Interesting site to check out:
One of the pages on that website:
http://www.cannabis.uk.net/raw cannabis/superhempme/superhempme.html
I wanted to add something thats important. It says on the website:
By consuming Cannabis in its RAW NATURAL STATE you can :
Heal yourself of any illness
Rebuild and strengthen your immune system
Activate your Light Body
Commune with your higher-self, GOD.
Well, awhile back, almost a month ago while I was still in Hawaii... I decided to make a raw shake and threw in a small amount of raw cannabis trim/shake/leaves. I ground it all up and drank it.
I don't know if its coincidence, but I actually had a kensho experience a few hours later. A kensho is an awakening, in Buddhist terms. The only reason I know this, is because I tried researching the exprience I had and found that kensho matched exactly what happened to me.
So I think marijuana might have this property, to be able to open up to God... or at least facilitate this.
The interesting thing was, I had it RAW. Maybe its true, marijuana doesn't like fire. Maybe it was made to be eaten raw. This is pretty interesting stuff... What if God gave it to us to help us commune on his level?
Because the kensho experience I had totally blew me away. Put everything into perspective. I should keep experimenting with raw cannabis now.
One of the pages on that website:
http://www.cannabis.uk.net/raw cannabis/superhempme/superhempme.html
Once the physical body begins to be healed and the endocrine system begins to function more effectively, consuming more Hemp literrally floods the body with light bringing you into a divine state of spiritual bliss that is beyond words (and beyond the analysis of science). It’s like being fully plugged into Gaia, buzzing with the vibration of pure Love. Ah, the bliss of Cannabis.
During my 40 day ‘Super Hemp Me’ Fast it brought further confirmation of what I knew already, but rather than just knowing it, I was feeling it. More and more I feel that we are beings of Love, created from Love, sustained by Love and that Hemp is the ‘Tree of Life’, the most perfect plant on the planet. I feel that all we really need to do with Hemp is plant it and eat it. Making clothes, paper, building materials and such like are all distractions from the ultimate truth that we are naked apes designed to live in a tropical climate and not in cold, damp temperate climates where we have become slaves to the dread fire culture. Fire creates free radicals and that is the root cause of so many problems in the world today. Eating electron rich foods, primarily Hemp, helps to eliminate the damage and bring us back into balance. But can we truly heal ourselves whilst immersed in the dread fire culture, with all its pollution and unbalanced lifestyles? I think not. That’s why I aim for this to be my last year in England for a while. My plan is to leave England and fully immerse myself in nature in the Southern Mediterranean where I’m very fortunate to be the ‘caretaker’ of a few acres of south facing terraced valley with a river running through it.
I get the feeling however that I will return, as I believe that I am destined to challenge the system that claims that the most healing plant on the planet is ‘undeniably harmful’ and ‘illegal’ to grow or possess. This ‘undeniable harm’ is only to those driven by greed and wishing for people to live in fear and doubt. Fear is the absence of Love, and doubt comes from living in fear. Don’t doubt this: We are coming to the end of a 25,920 year cycle, and the end of the ‘Kali Yuga’, the most asleep part of conscience evolution, but as we approach 2012 and the end of time as we know it, we will be entering into a new dimension of existence as we head back to the centre of the Galaxy. My feeling is that at the higher dimensions of existence (the 4th dimension and beyond) the pulsing frequency of the planet will increase and those of us who have made the conscious choice of building their bodies from highly mineralised, electron rich ‘light’ foods will be able to exist within the ‘Love Frequency’, experiencing ‘Heaven upon Earth’, while those of us who have made the choice of building their bodies with demineralised, electron deficient, dense, nutritionally dead ‘junk’ foods, will be unable to exist within this frequency range and may well be stuck in a 3rd dimensional Hell.
So get planting and eat from the Tree of Life and ‘yee shall live forever’.
I wanted to add something thats important. It says on the website:
By consuming Cannabis in its RAW NATURAL STATE you can :
Heal yourself of any illness
Rebuild and strengthen your immune system
Activate your Light Body
Commune with your higher-self, GOD.
Well, awhile back, almost a month ago while I was still in Hawaii... I decided to make a raw shake and threw in a small amount of raw cannabis trim/shake/leaves. I ground it all up and drank it.
I don't know if its coincidence, but I actually had a kensho experience a few hours later. A kensho is an awakening, in Buddhist terms. The only reason I know this, is because I tried researching the exprience I had and found that kensho matched exactly what happened to me.
So I think marijuana might have this property, to be able to open up to God... or at least facilitate this.
The interesting thing was, I had it RAW. Maybe its true, marijuana doesn't like fire. Maybe it was made to be eaten raw. This is pretty interesting stuff... What if God gave it to us to help us commune on his level?
Because the kensho experience I had totally blew me away. Put everything into perspective. I should keep experimenting with raw cannabis now.
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