I'm ashamed to say but I'm going for Denver, I'm a huge Denver hater from the days of farve being beat out... But Manning is the man!.... so go Denver....I wonder who has the best bud?
... wheres papa john?
Probably drunk as shit at the Chicken Bucket watching little brother beat up on UCF. Hope he doesn't eat his pizza...unless he wants to puke...
...Btw,..F denver. F Seattle. PATS FO LIFE!!!! lol
I'm ashamed to say but I'm going for Denver, I'm a huge Denver hater from the days of farve being beat out... But Manning is the man!.... so go Denver....I wonder who has the best bud?[/quote]
I do, in jars!!
Should be a great match. Hope Denver does not embarrass like their Superbowl attempts of the 1980's. Soup and suds...and a few buds....nice day, Ground Hog's day!!
I'm ashamed to say but I'm going for Denver, I'm a huge Denver hater from the days of farve being beat out... But Manning is the man!.... so go Denver....I wonder who has the best bud?[/quote]
I do, in jars!!
Should be a great match. Hope Denver does not embarrass like their Superbowl attempts of the 1980's. Soup and suds...and a few buds....nice day, Ground Hog's day!!
Just happened across this.. not your fault friend, but
Lol. Ouch though for real.. good thing we still have the best herb
Not into feeding flames but I must in this case. Odell FTW!Coors? You sir have never been to CO if you mention that as CO beer!
CO is home to many of the best craft breweries in the country- over 200!
Including: Left Hand, Fat Tire, Oscar Blues, Avery, New Belgium, Odell, Great Divide…and that was just off the top of my head.
…I swear I should work for the CO tourism board.
And yes, let us not talk about the Shitter Bowl anymore, ever again! It was among the worst things I’ve ever watched with my eyes. I am still in mourning.