Ever have one of those days you recieve a phone call and just want to go back to bed? First thing this morning my Dad calls and "informs" me that my mom's B'day dinner is tonight at such and such place.............for her birthday that was yesterday...........THAT I FORGOT! I hate birthdays,and even try to forget my own, let alone remember someone else's. There are actually 3 birthdays that i do remember and that's my sister's and my family in my house. luckily last year my sister called wanting to know if i wanted to go in on a gift for Mom. My family knows i don't remember birthdays so they stayed tight lipped this year to watch me squirm....which i am. "Just write it down" they say. In what, on what? i don't keep a day runner, and if i did i would forget to look LOL. Anyway, anyone else done this, and did you manage to grovel your way out of it? I'm really regretting tonight cuz i know she's going to tear my ass up, which i deserve LOL. I'm off to find the best gift i've ever bought...............that actually took some thought.