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Hydro-Organic's GoGnats.... anyone used this?


Hey all,

I've got me some fungus gnats that really just annoy the living hell out of me... I've tried a few different things, and although I've been able to make them "disappear" for a while, they always seem to come back. Part of that is that the treatments are so damn expensive- I've tried Gnatrol, but at $80 a container (if memory serves) I could only afford to run it for so long- it worked, but they're back.

Which brings me to GoGnats... I like the fact that the directions say 1 to 1.5 oz per 10 gallons- that means I can actually afford this stuff! But does it work? If anyone has any positive or negative experience with this product, I would love to hear from you. Thanks!



tried it in my res seems to work cuz when i cleaned my res noticed alot of dead gnats in res. bad thing is it smells horrible. gonna try mosqito dunks . cheap can get @ The home depot or OSH. like $7 . put in cheese cloth and toss in res.


Its a great product. Kills and controls all sorts of critters. Even spider mite.

After doing off with a gnat invasion, I've kept it handy for preventative maintenance such as spraying the top of exposed media to keep gnats from ever wanting to burrow their way down into the container.

And the scent is fantastic!


I don't know what medium you're growing in, but there is some fungus gnat advice in the coco forum, as gnats love coco.

The basics is thus- Gnatrol or GoGnats for a media drench, mosquito dunks or bits for longer term solution. The key is to keep with it not just until they're gone, but until they are way gone.


Hey guys, thanks for the responses, I had long since given up on this thread...

I found that the Go Gnats didn't seem to do much, but perhaps it's because I didn't give it long enough... I am in Pro-Mix by the way. I think I gave it 3 weeks in a row before I ran out of it, and it didn't seem to slow them down at all.

The one thing I've found to really help out in every case is a layer of sand on top of the medium... it dries out real quickly after watering, which of course they hate... I'm from a beach area originally and I had never seen a fungus gnat in my life until I moved inland. Just saying. :)

Gnatrol was pretty effective for me in the past, but it's so damn expensive... I understand that mosquito dunks are essentially the same thing, but I've also read it's actually a different strain of BTi... also, I'm not really sure how to use them in a soil medium- how much per pot, etc. One piece of advice I had gotten was run them through a cheese grater (the side you would use for parmesean) and sprinkle on top.

Also, has anyone tried hypoaspis mites?

Thanks all...



New member


for the past couple weeks ive been noticing gnats in my drip/DWC. a friends was, at the same time, having them in his ebb/flow. so, he bought gognats from a local agro store. its supposed to be able to be used in hydro at rate of 1-1.5 fl.oz per 10gal. so, being cautious, i used half the recommended amount - my friend was doing the same. this was 4 days ago, while my friend used it 6 days ago. his were newly planted while mine were well established and flourishing in awesome organics (this was the best crop that ive ever done and this was the first time that i used this specific drip/DWC system since i just developed it). about, the day i put it into my res, my friends plants were starting to wilt and he was stymied. so, it was decided that the problem was the gognats , so, many flushes proceeded. within a couple days after, mine started to wilt. now i am left with 4 definitely dead, 4 more on the brink and few others with slight wilt, and how many will actually be left alive? i have spent the past day and a half trying to clean the roots of my plants in separate buckets of water and insecticidal soap - to clean off the cedar oil. i have flushed numerous time, allowing it to circulate through the top drip to try and wash roots and buckets even more. now, i am about to go postal. i need to go now and try to put in clean water and see if i can get the rest back on track, as not to have a total waste. i wish i had pics to show u guys of when they were in their prime but, alas, that time is over now. So, i urge everyone out there - DO NOT USE GOGNATS !!!!! i have tried to find contact info for earth juice but they have none. MOTHER FUCKERS. this is the worst thing that could have happened to my crop. worse than gnats, mite, anything sans act of Jaweh. they were beautiful and healthy as hell. now, kaput. also, the best ones were the first to go, ironically. i have had a lot of experience with agriculture in my young life, on farms, gardens, landscaping for summer breaks, PLUS, hydro, but this trumps all. i have never seen or heard of anything like this happening, not just to one , but to two people almost simultaneously. im pretty much sunk because of Gognats.


New member
oh, and furthermore, the gnats are still there. they werent killed, dispelled, or what have you. i still see them flying out of my buckets when i pop the lids to see how much oil is still floating around


Shit, man sorry to hear it... this was an old post, I did end up using it in soil, didn't kill the plants, but it didn't kill the gnats either. Haven't used it since. Sucks, because I use the Earth Juice line of pretty much everything else and it's all good, but one shitty product for some reason.



New member
Even furthermore, the reason im responding in this post is because i got the idea to use gognats from these threads. so, im going back to the source of my woes to tell my story in the hopes that it doesnt happen to any one else. try to find an alternative to Gognats if you have an infestation. the easiest/quickest way is not usually the best, exempli gratia ... use your intuition. if it seems as if it may clog, coat, burn, whatever, dont use it. there are different ways, you just have to look for them and be patient.


New member
thanks for your empathies FinestKind. i still use EJ catalyst and some other stuff, they are good, but still, most of the stuff is just variations of different sugars, amino's, peptides, micros, etc. a lot of it superfluous, and can be made easily from stuff from agway and your own compost's. ive cut way back from using Advanced. now, its simple organics. like only 5 different things that i use for everything. this was my first shot at totally organic, and it ended miserably because of one stupid mistake. not to coerce any sympathy or pity from anyone, but this project was to help pull me out of a hard place with loans and legal problems. now, im almost completely fucked. so, its either i move to europe and try to get into a good university on my own merits, which isnt easy at all this moment, or i figure out another way. this just really really sucks and ive lost all sleep for the past couple of days over it.

p.s. i will be making frequent views at this post to see if possibly anyone has had the same problem and if anything came of my post. i will not be making any other post since i am extremely paranoid - i.e. i am using a proxy to make this post. so, good luck to all and remember to vote for supporters of the cause. change starts locally. do your part


Crown Jewel of the Legion
ICMag Donor
Wow. Have anyone read this.
How did he managed to get his plants killed with something that thousand people use everyday?

Since its not gognats (I and 10s of other I know didn't kill anything with it), what could it be.


Active member
Very sorry to hear about your problems. On the Hydro-Organics [EJ] site http://www.hydro-organics.com/newcharts/goGnatsSchedule.pdf
there are cautions. I'm not saying it's you fault.

Flush well, mild feed with a root stimulator for several feeds. If not dead they may come back when roots grow back. Foliar feeding your root stim and nutes helps regrow roots If you flush with soap that needs to be flushed cuz soap damages roots.

BTW, as they say, no accounting for taste. I think cedar oil smells really good. I guess with old product there could be anaerobic spoilage which would stink.

Also you need to do some shopping on the Gnatrol. If you go somewhere like Lowes, they should have fresh Mosquito dunks since they do a large volume unlike Grow stores who have all kinds of old shit on their shelves. Break them up, put in bag or panty hose, bubble for 24 hours, water [or hang bag in rez]. Keep using dunks till gnats are, like someone else said, WAY gone. Use occassionally routinely. Good luck. -granger
Contact at http://www.hydro-organics.com/site/corporate-info/

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