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Ooops, meant to just post the headline for the title. DOH!....Good morning!

What a jerk! If it just weren't for that huge 88% majority of what the people want :-/ It's exactly people like him that have made FL a shitty place to live but big business reigns here.


Jeb Bush Joins Opposition To Medical Marijuana Ballot In Florida

By David Adams
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MIAMI (Reuters) - Jeb Bush is siding with opponents of an initiative on Florida's November election ballot to make medical marijuana legal, despite strong public support for its use as a treatment for debilitating illnesses.
Bush, a former Republican governor of Florida who is considering a presidential bid in 2016, issued a statement on Thursday saying the legalization of medical marijuana would hurt the state's family-friendly reputation.
"Florida leaders and citizens have worked for years to make the Sunshine State a world-class location to start or run a business, a family-friendly destination for tourism and a desirable place to raise a family or retire," Bush said.
"Allowing large-scale, marijuana operations to take root across Florida, under the guise of using it for medicinal purposes, runs counter to all of these efforts," he added.
"I strongly urge Floridians to vote against Amendment 2 this November," he said.
Support for medical marijuana legalization in Florida is holding steady at 88 percent despite weeks of vigorous campaigning by opponents, a poll released late last month showed.
Only 10 percent of those polled said they opposed the measure.
The poll also found a smaller majority of Florida voters would support recreational use of small amounts of marijuana by adults, with 55 percent backing it and 41 percent opposed.
Ben Pollara, campaign manager for United for Care, which is leading the legalization effort in Florida, said Thursday he was surprised that Bush had taken "a position so out of step with the voters who twice elected him to the highest office in the state."
Twenty states and the District of Columbia have some form of laws that permit the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, though they vary widely.
Florida Governor Rick Scott signed a law in June allowing the limited use of a special non-euphoric strain of marijuana, known as Charlotte's Web, to treat state residents with epilepsy, cancer and afflictions causing "seizures or severe and persistent muscle spasms."
The amendment, if approved by voters, would allow marijuana to be more broadly prescribed by doctors to treat a range of debilitating conditions.
Charlotte's Web is an oil extract not for smoking and is specially cultivated to be very low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the element that gets users high.
(Reporting by David Adams; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)


If this was article was not real, I would think it was a joke. This man is delusional along with the rest of the Bush's.

For real. How does this man even go out in public and not get ridiculed everyday? I think his reputation and the Bush cronies reputation's was way ruined before this. Remember he does not even need voters, he will just rig the election like the last Bush. I strongly urge the people of Florida to get some tar and feathers ready and then run him out of the country along with that asshole Rick Scott.

If you have the last named Bush or Clinton, you should be barred from ever running for president again. You need a poor man as president who will do what's right, not these rich assholes.

When I got to that quote " hurt the state family friendly reputation" I thought to myself, is this the best reason they got?! Reputation over providing the sick and needy an all natural plant provided by god?! Really?!

You want to know whats worst than that!.......the fact that some people who smoke and support bud will still vote for him because of their own stupidity. IMO I don't believe everyone should have the right to vote. The ignorance and stupidity that comes out of some fellow citizens just turns me off. SOO SAD.


Rubbing my glands together
Really funny when you consider his granddaddy made a fortune dealing with the Nazi's and his daddy made a fortune running China White out of Vietnam during that war as head of the CIA.

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