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how to post pictures


ICMag Donor
Originally Posted by GMT
I do keep asking for an example of what you should type to get the pictures, but its never explained in the intro, just what you shouldn't use and a picture, what we need is an intro post that says type it like this but delete the star half way through or something.

Ok i see some folks (mainly new members) posting the same questions now and again.

I don't work so much with computers and when i came to this site, i was also confused about posting pics in full-size. Ic.mag has many kind persons that will help you ...but always same questions are boring and a waste of the forum space. i think it's good to have a thread where this things are explained for all newbs. i will try to show you the way as simple as possible.

First you write some text, though it's not necessary. There are 2 options in the first stage, you can "Post Quick Reply" or "Go Advanced" ...for uploading or posting pics, you have to Go Advanced.

Next you have to click "Upload pics" and than browse for the pics that you have saved on the computer

...obviously you have to know in which folder are the pics located in your comp (or you will browse a bit longer:)

Than click "Upload/Submit" and after the pics are up, you have to finish it with a click on the "Process Files" option.
That's the whole trick about uploading pics :joint:

after uploading and processing you have to refresh or "Preview Post" ...so the pics will appear in your gallery

than click on the pics you want to add in the post/reply and again preview post
...the image will appear like a small pic

Click on this pic and a new window will appear with The Full URL that you need for posting full-sized pics


Cut this full url & Paste between
...and that's it.
Probably there are also other ways, perhaps more easy than this route ...feel free to add you tricks. thanks!

hope i helped a bit, have fun and post some nice pics :wave:

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Very nice PIC there,trichome boy!!!

BUT thats HARD DUDE??????????
let me try......never used go advanced??

KIDS,hopefuly you got pics in your PC first right!!
Ok now do not use quick reply that is for text/print only?
Hit the BIG reply botton to your upper left or hit NEW THREAD!!
You got a page up with a printing box there now right!

Look down to your right lower corner you see the (pics upload) text.
Hit thaT BABY,up comes another window on it there is browse bottons!!
Hit one it will take you into your PC where you look at pics an select one.

Press submit and it goes into a memory at ICmag getting ready to prosses....

You'll see the pics plus a box to the right for printing names of each pic!!
Do the top box topic,and the next one below that one just print the same.
Names of pics is what i do like this'(Nirvana afgan) or what ever you got!!!

Ok then down bottom of the page press submit it funtions and then stops.
SO all you half to do is close that window,look at your post box again and
down under the text box there will be a page 1. of your pics and you see the
pics all you do now is press on the pic you want in the post and it goes in the
text box automatically, you may scroll up a bit an see the link code under your
print!!From there look at the bottom of text box where it says submit/post reply
in green hit that and your post goes up with your pic in it an all........
Myself i never use go advanced hmmmm??..always the one to the left!!!
Like now this one says (post quick reply),for text only kids....remember!!
:laughing: :headbange :jump: oh im on a mac! :rasta:
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ICMag Donor
High' Louy ..nice input... there are many ways in this daze :D Thanks for posting any helpful info!

~the big Post Reply there on the upper left is actually the same door as the Go Advanced... i always go advanced hehe
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