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How to get bulging buds?

Good afternoon guys,
Just a quick newbie question.

A guy at the head shop was trying to sell me this stuff called bud buster. He said to use it for the last month of flower and it will dramatically increase the size of the buds.

I was wondering if anyone had any info on this?

The guy growing them currently has them in 5 gallon pails with just regular pro mix and feeds with Pure Blend Bloom.

Also I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a good thread that shows how to control the temps in a grow room (bedroom) Right now it is basically too cold in the room most of the time except when the lights are on. If anyone could give me some direction on that it would be amazing.

Thanks guys!


poppin' outta control
almost every brand has some sort of bud booster.. Adv Nutes Big Bud, humbolt ginormous, House and Garden Shooting Powder & bud xl, canna boost, fox farm cha ching, and many many more

edit: just saw that your room is too cold ... how cold do you think is too cold? any simple controller that controlls temps should hook up to a heater and act as a thermostat to control your room temp...

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
co2 if you don't use it, by far this is the best introduction you can make for yeild difference.

20-30% yeild increase pretty much guaranteed, it's pure photosynthesis at work... science so it's hard to argue... the numbers don't lie...

Highly highly recommend it
co2 if you don't use it, by far this is the best introduction you can make for yeild difference.

20-30% yeild increase pretty much guaranteed, it's pure photosynthesis at work... science so it's hard to argue... the numbers don't lie...

Highly highly recommend it

No point in CO2 or bud booster or whatever until you get your environment correct. Do the basics - light, temperature and ventilation - before trying to tweak out the grow.
I hear people getting free samples all the time though I don't know how they do it, but perhaps you could try a side by side test to see how much of a difference it makes to see if it is worth it.


I hear people getting free samples all the time though I don't know how they do it, but perhaps you could try a side by side test to see how much of a difference it makes to see if it is worth it.

I bet most of the folks getting free samples got them specifcaly to talk about them on the internet, as in not 100% genuine feedback. I don't trust side by sides by people getting free samples, nah mean?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
if your night temps are above 55 don't worry about it
if your day temps are under 85 that's good enough, although between 70-76 is ideal

The number one contributor to yeild is Light, every additional 1% light = 1% more yeild, so if you can keep your temps down add more light

then you need to properly feed and water, not to wet and not to dry

next your humidity is key along with air movement or referred to as venting. now if you don't use co2 then you should be venting your room to bring in fresh air/co2 and to help reduce humidity.

Now if you can avoid venting and keep the room under 85 degrees, and have a fan moving air, THEN ADD CO2!!!!!!!!!!

not sure you need to worry about your night temps but if you want to add more light then add this unit to cool your room https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=195062

I also strongly recommend using organic soil if your looking to gain yeild by providing better soil, way better than trying to add a booster to promix or hydro... https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=169364 plus you can reuse your organic soil and avoid the hassel of fertilizers in water... my yeilds went up with organics... you can get 1gram per watt with organics
Ok one last question. The guy growing these has bubba kush, lifesaver and pure power plant. The lush were supposed to be femenised but 2 of the 4 hermied.

Now they are a month into flower and the buds are getting big but I noticed at one node on the one plant there seem to be small little pods coming out. Is it possible this plant is hermie too?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
but if it's mostly bud, just pick off the balls and you should salvage the good stuff.

We'd like to know which one hermied and breeder it came from, so peeps can avoid buying that hermie shit! guessing it was LS or PPP... not cool to pay for hermies, really poor form on the breeder
I have to say, it seems premature to blame the breeder. Many modern feminized plants can hermie out since most methods include using fem pollen to make seeds. A lot of it is down to the grower. I have two strains that I started with that all seemed to go hermie on me. a few years later and the "least hermie" of the original batch which I saved and still have growing hasn't shown a sign of it. Fingers crossed. I think that light leaks and overfeeding are the main culprits of a few male flowers. I have seen people try to boost their grow with a shot of some stiff nutes right at the end only to find little bananas a few days later forming in the tops of the buds.
He had two kush hermie and a pPP. Also had a couple lifesaver go male but thats to be expected. He got them from gypsy. Is there anything he could have done to make them hermie?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I have to say, it seems premature to blame the breeder. Many modern feminized plants can hermie out since most methods include using fem pollen to make seeds. A lot of it is down to the grower. I have two strains that I started with that all seemed to go hermie on me. a few years later and the "least hermie" of the original batch which I saved and still have growing hasn't shown a sign of it. Fingers crossed. I think that light leaks and overfeeding are the main culprits of a few male flowers. I have seen people try to boost their grow with a shot of some stiff nutes right at the end only to find little bananas a few days later forming in the tops of the buds.
sorry pal this is utter BS
it's the breeders fault for releasing shit seed!!!
unless you played with lighting the BREEDER HAS NO REAL EXCUSE.
sorry made alot of seed in my day.
even had hermies,
but never pass hermies on, that's just good business, test your shit plain and simple


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
lots of things can cause herms ... dude said he's a newb it could be some grower/enviromental era he's missin.... first do u have ne light leaks? or lights on in the room during dark period? powerstrip heater light ? nething... bubba the pre 98cut i run are finicky bitches very tempermental and if stressed will throw nannas... what is the temp with ur light on a dramitc change could prob shock a bubba into nannas.. but once dialed in 98bubba is my one of my fav smokes and a permanet part of the garden... im not surprised that the seeds are unstable but hey all u need is to find one special female out of them and ur set....

i also agree with bfriendly 100% if the seeds are shit there is no excuse... should of been free testers... and then as he said once found herms binned.... hope u get 1 great lady to clone off of..
sorry pal this is utter BS
it's the breeders fault for releasing shit seed!!!
unless you played with lighting the BREEDER HAS NO REAL EXCUSE.
sorry made alot of seed in my day.
even had hermies,
but never pass hermies on, that's just good business, test your shit plain and simple
I am not saying that breeders don't make bad self pollinated hermie seeds and sell them as feminized or that breeders are perfect. I said that it might be a premature judgment, not having seen this grow and knowing little about it, to blame the breeder completely.

I have seen enough of your posts lurking here for a few months to know that this will be the only thing I say to you. You have no idea how stuff works. Example, thinking that a heat exchanger could even possibly raise your humidity because it's "bringing water into the growroom" is insanely dumb. Sorry man, you are not a credible source for any information.

Bye now mr.more-attitude-than-brains.
:thank you:
The guy I'm talking about has about 5 crops under his belt. Never ran into this issue before. Shouldn't have been any light leaks but possibly could have but even then it would be a very faint level.

He popped the rest of his seeds in hopes of getting a good mother. I will post pictures tonight. Any tips on taking good pictures? Mine always look crappy even with a good camera


bulging bud thread...no pics ??

bulging bud thread...no pics ??

the sours bulge after day 70 without any potions from the hydro store homies !! stay heavy peacin'



i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i take the shittiest pics with a 2000dolla cam set up i cant help ya.... i can tell ya this dont get a camera u cant work like i did...lol these dslrs are meant for professional photographers with experiance on how they work,,,not stoneres with money....