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How much air to cool 6kw of light.



I have a friend that is trying to setup a 6 - 1kw setup in a 10x12 room. He is using some eurogrowers and is in a commercial building. He has a large building and can pretty much cut holes in whatever. How much air would it take and how should he setup his room and reflectors to air cool his reflectors and the room?

BTW, he also mentioned he wants to do it the cheapest way possible, lol.


I use 63,000 btu in a 15x 15 room with almost 11,000 watts. Thats over 5 tons of cooling and 2 swamp coolers to help moisten the dry air from the 2 AC units. I run a sealed room with split unit type ac units that don't exhaust any air. I use a large co2 generator with lp gas so that adds heat.
So i think 30,000 btu or a Large window unit or 3 each 12,00 btu portable units would work.


Thanks, but what I was looking for was how big of a centrifugal fan in cfm would i need to actively vent the room with to keep it at a manageable growing temperature?

Without a/c.
wothout a/c?
a shitload

i think one 6 " vortex 440 cfm will cool two 1k hps

but i think your friend should seriously consider the a/c's


200 cfm per One thousand watt hps/mh.

You need a fan for 6 - 1k watts

10" Fantech FKD Inline Fan w/cord - 1266 cfm
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Cool tubed 1kw lights can be effectively cooled with 100 CFM, depending on the effeciency of your ducting. Given the backpressure most growers create in thier systems, I'd go 250 CFM, just to be sure.

Air conditioning is generally calculated with 3500 BTU per 1kw light.

Basically just restating the good information you've already been given in simpler terms.


New member
Without AC or cooled hoods...a 1200+ CFM blower. Ideally, you'll be pulling/pushing thru two CAN100 sized filters, plus(not so ideally) some length of ducting. So you end up moving a lot less than the rated 1200+...but should be ok until outside temps get around 27-30*C or higher.
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