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How in God's name do you get all that stuff in the woods discreetly?


Active member
Camoflauge! creep in the bush like a black mamba or cotton mouth and the STRIKE! Early mornings... monitor the sky if its such an issue and decide for yourself the best time to attack! You can do it! we dont have to walk you through this but always have a plan in such a risky situation.... Good luck m8


resident slackass
i would always do it in the fall prior to spring planting and just do a little at a time. whatever i could fit in a big backpack. going out just before sunrise helps. it's cooler so you don't get tired out from breaking up the soil as fast. once the holes were prepped i would just stick a green bamboo stake in there with about 6 inches sticking out of the ground and cover with debris from the forest floor, or if its in a field i'd rip up tall grass and cover with that. the stake made it easier to find the spots in the spring when stuff starts to grow in.
i never had the plane issue to deal with though... but i would imagine that traffic would be less right after sunrise.
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While taken off & Landing its too easy to be spotted. Find a more secure location. Either way its a bitch haulin in soil. I had to lug in bags by myself this spring in the heat to prepare my plots. Not to mention gallons of water that the plants need weekly.

Its alot of work and most of the plants get eaten by animals ect. Plant alot harvest a few that is my experience


resident slackass
as far as transpoerting your plants....
just use small soda bottles. 1 litre or so.you plant in the bottom of the bottle and when you're ready to put them out just slide the top over them and tape shut. you can fit several in a good size backpack this way. look for spots near a water supply so you dont have to lug it in all the time.
and never leave trash or anything like buckets at your spot. if you need to keep a bucket handy hide it at least 100 yds from your grow and hide it well. dont plant too many plant in a group together. this makes them stick out. instead spread them around a bit. you can kep them less noticeable by planting later so they dont get as big.
polymers are your friend:D


i go at night and use a wheelbarrow i have stashed to carry stuff as far as i can , its hard yakka and you need to make it as easy as you can ..