my first mistake was asking what could be cooked the day before to save time. "pies, deviled eggs, and the cornbread to go into the stuffing" came the answer. so, i made the deviled eggs, and she made the pies. see anything missing? yup, she forgot the cornbread & had to hurry and make it this morning when she already had the oven pre-heating for the bird of honor. how is that MY fault, one might ask? merely by asking, you have admitted that you are still single. i also had the audacity to use the timer after she set it for the turkey. we won't mention that she always ignores the timer, as the bird is never done when it goes off. plus, i had the potatoes ready to peel & boil before she wanted them. and oh the horror! i ALSO had the can of sweet potatoes & the green beans on the counter early! what was i thinking? and i've been hand-washing everything as soon as she was done dirtying it up, and placed it in the dishwasher. ANY cook worth her flour sifter knows that a meal is an utter failure unless you have a sink full of dirty pans and a stove top not visible to the human eye when you are done. i'll be lucky if i'm allowed to eat this year... what a disaster... HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!