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How does this look


New member
First time grow right here jw how it looked to you guys?


New member
Thank you i thought it looked like a very nice green
from what you guys see is there an estimate till its harvest ready

and nickel bag i love your signature
Hard to say on when it will be ready for harvest, depends on the strain and many other factors. When the days get back around 12-12 you should be close. Mine usually finish early to mid October (and sometimes late October if weather allows) . Wait till the buds get nice and FIRM before harvesting, if at all possible. You loose a lot of weight if you do it before they tighten up.

As far as my signature, I think it is a very true statement IMHO. Thanks



In order to get some seeds in your bud youd have to get some pollen from your male. Then apply the pollen to the pistels in early flower. You dont need too much if you just want a few seeds but most likely the pollen will spread to other parts of your plant and seed them, so be careful.

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