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Hospice Care for my best friend--


aka "Doc"
Not looking for sympathy or tears (got plenty of those right now), but our sheltie has bladder cancer, specifically Transitional Cell Carcinoma (aka TCC), as explained here--http://www.petmd.com/blogs/fullyvetted/2012/july/canine_bladder_cancer-26371. Vet says he has days, weeks or months--don't know, but it is up to him. Our sheltie will tell us when it is time for the stroll across Rainbow Bridge, but until then, our job is make sure he is comfortable.

Hospice Care is the name of the game right now.

We learned a few things since we started this journey--like the best "doggie diapers" are not made for doggies, but for kids, Huggies Little Swimmers...modified with a hole for the tail, they do not slip off at night and no self adhesive tapes to malfunction--and a helluva lot cheaper, too (50 cents each, or so--best price is Walmart). Got the idea from here--http://doggiediapers.blogspot.com/

On edit: Well, my friend's dog is a few sizes smaller than mine, so for him it's "Swimmers", but for our 35 lb sheltie--it is small Men's Depends--flipped backwards (more more padding underneath--where he needs it).

Anyone else doing/done Hospice Care for their fur-child? Willing to share any tricks/secrets? Let's discuss things that work and what doesn't work...and if we can avoid the pity/tear sessions, that would be great; don't need a wet keyboard right now--neither do you, LOL.

Let's share some of the "lessons learned".
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aka "Doc"
Picture of the little guy--



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Kayla's bladder infection caused her much discomfort, constantly needing to go outside for 'phantom' pees, squatting & spotting in the house if I didn't read her signals immediately. She'd go out and piss (or mostly not) in 10-12 places, poor girl. I had to take her outside every 1/2 hour or so as she'd pace the floor by the door.

so my springer Kayla had now gotten a bladder infection for the 2nd time, 1st time (above) had cost me $300 for the vet visit, tests, antibiotics; it took about 2-3 days before she regained her usual comfort and peeing routine.

about 7 months later the exact symptoms & condition returned.
I realize you're battling cancer but the following may still help.

I took to the computer looking for any homeopathic remedy's I could find, this is what I found and followed:

Kayla's body weight appx 40#s.

1 Tblsp Apple Cider Vinegar 2Xs a day for 1 week.
1 Tblsp ACV every other day for 2 weeks.
1 Tblsp ACV once a week, once every 2 weeks.
most of that being maintenance.

I mixed up some chicken, chicken gravy, the ACV and kibble for Kayla, she wolfed it down, after her food we went outside where she pee'd here n' there in discomfort, she settled down after that and it was ME who insisted she wake up go out 1 hour later, she went out and took a nice long wizz for the 1st time in days, then went inside and fell asleep in my bed immediately. She slept for hours, again, 1st time in days.

That ACV worked like magic on the bladder. it must have nutrients that dogs/wolves would find in nature but are neglected in today's domestic diets.

I'm sorry your boy has cancer, the above advice is only to help him where standard meds and practices might not. The immediate comfort (1.5 hours) that Kayla got w/the ACV compared to the 2-3 days that the antibiotics took to kick in makes me think there's real value in ACV as a med for dogs bladders.

So some bottled gravy, some chicken or beef scraps, 1 Tblsp ACV (buy it fresh, it is now a medicine, no stale cabinet stuff allowed) and kibble. as it's your baby's final run I'd feed that once a day 'til the end. You're not looking for a cure to an ailment as I was, I was able to recognize instantly an improvement in Kayla, I'm thinking you'll be repairing some damage w/that ACV which might go unnoticed yet add some time & quality to his life.

in short:
ACV gave comfort to & eventually cured (bladder infection never returned) Kayla's ills in 1.5 hours. Via modern medicine the same results took several days w/the malady returning months later. there is a special potency to ACV in regards to dogs bladders.

best of luck, please give this cheap n' easy medicine to your boy.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

okay, and if he's stopped eating try this, he looks lighter than 40#s, use 1/2 Tbsp ACV, use gravy for sure and if that fails mix it into ice cream (or plain yogurt), no dog can resist ice cream.

at this point you can't worry about a hi calorie human diet for your boy. I've used pulverized (coffee grinder) chicken bones, microwaved with water to make my own gravy, it had too cool a bit first before adding any ACV and served warm, marrow & bone matter made an awesome treat to hide the ACV.


Active member
No sympathy because you don`t want it but you have my respect for the love & devotion that you give that lovely little sheltie .

Stay strong .


aka "Doc"
Stoner, took your advice (as I really have nothing to lose) and selected Bragg Organic Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar that contains the "mother", "which occurs naturally as strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules". Talked to some smart people Mothers Market (only place in Orange County that carries Raw Milk) and they said stay away from the bulk ACV and only get one containing the "mother", like Braggs.


I mixed 5ml of ACV with about 10ml water, and used an eye dropper to feed the little critter; as he basically stopped eating yesterday but is still active (played in the pool today). Note to self, get a bigger eye dropper--the only syringes I have are his insulin (oh yeah, he had a glucose count over 600 in May...when he was tested a few days ago it was 160) and those syringes are tiny...maybe 1/3 ml each. After the 20th time, I raided the eye dropper used in the garden and it worked like a champ (20 drops equals 1 ml...handy bit of info to have, especially when the recipe calls for 1.25ml/gallon and making only 16 oz of it...so about 6 drops is what it will take).

Those small Men Depends underwear are perfect for a 35 lb dog...probably good up to 40-50 pound dog, but someone else will need to verify that, as my other dog (GSD is 110 lbs, even after he shits and pisses--all meat and no fat). He has been the problem child--whereas the Sheltie "never been sick a day in his life". Go figure.


Active member
I had a very similar experience to the above, I thought it was a mild bladder issue, problem was I got the most ass-holy vet in the country, working her, he didn't mess around and killed her in under 10 minutes ..I now look to see the history of breeds before attaching my heart to animals ...srry 4 the rant! good luck guys


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

good call on the organic 'mother' ACV, hopefully it will promote some comfort for him. you've got to get him eating again bro, not for adding the ACV but for his own good of course.......



Active member
I had a very similar experience to the above, I thought it was a mild bladder issue, problem was I got the most ass-holy vet in the country, working her, he didn't mess around and killed her in under 10 minutes ..I now look to see the history of breeds before attaching my heart to animals ...srry 4 the rant! good luck guys

vostok , so sorry to hear this from one dog lover to another , stay strong bro there will always be another that needs some love .


Active member
it is time to let him go play with my other doggies at Rainbow Bridge.

Sat here , read this with tears in my eyes . Your little Sheltie will probably get chased & shagged by some of mine that are up there so it ain`t all bad .

Respect as I know how painful & difficult a choice it is .


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

very sad news E420, such a handsome fella, I feel terrible that your time was cut so short with him. He was always safest and blessed being in your life.......


aka "Doc"

very sad news E420, such a handsome fella, I feel terrible that your time was cut so short with him. He was always safest and blessed being in your life.......

Actually I think it is a testament about the amount of love you give...will come back to you--more than you gave.

Basically he stopped eating kibble about 2 weeks ago (the day he gave up), it was only with my coaxing that he ate chicken breast meat...until Saturday night, the last day he ate (the day he really gave up). So, for the last week or so, you might say he was on "extended time"--just to make me happy (repaying the love I gave)...the vet & I agree I squeezed every day of "good life" out of the little guy. Born in December 2002...he almost made it to 12 years (which is 2 years more than our first sheltie--buried in the backyard side by side).

No regrets, no guilt, no apologizes--just pure selfish sadness that he is gone and I am here. This will pass...wifey is more broken up than I am, yep it is all about giving more love than you receive.

Gonna get fucked up with wifey tonight and tomorrow I will post a summary of lessons learned. Thanks!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Actually I think it is a testament about the amount of love you give...will come back to you--more than you gave.

Basically he stopped eating kibble about 2 weeks ago (the day he gave up), it was only with my coaxing that he ate chicken breast meat...until Saturday night, the last day he ate (the day he really gave up). So, for the last week or so, you might say he was on "extended time"--just to make me happy (repaying the love I gave)...the vet & I agree I squeezed every day of "good life" out of the little guy. Born in December 2002...he almost made it to 12 years (which is 2 years more than our first sheltie--buried in the backyard side by side).

No regrets, no guilt, no apologizes--just pure selfish sadness that he is gone and I am here. This will pass...wifey is more broken up than I am, yep it is all about giving more love than you receive.

Gonna get fucked up with wifey tonight and tomorrow I will post a summary of lessons learned. Thanks!

If you haven't seen it, rent Super Size Me. A healthy man in less than 30 days health deteriorated to extreme risk

Commercial pet food is the equivalent of eating fast food every day for their entire lives

I highly recommend reading the articles on the vitality science website


if it smells like fish
i remember like it happened yesterday watching my dog slowly fade away.....horrible and took me a few years to accept it /deal with it ect....he died on his own without suffering too much..the thought of having to take him to vet and get him put down bothered me a lot....tore me up just thinking about it..but i would of done it for him as making him suffer because of me wouldn't be right....best wishes for you


Well-known member
I lost my prince a couple years back. He also saved me from putting him down.

He truly Broke my Heart.


aka "Doc"
First, thanks to everyone that reached out! It meant a lot to me!

It's been a month now, what crazy 30 days it has been! Sure, miss the little guy! Funny how a little 30 pounder can tug at your heart like a ton of bricks! He is resting in our backyard...next to our first sheltie; both receive fresh flowers each morning.

Our GSD went through mourning and it took about a week before he got back to his routine. Yesterday, we mentioned the sheltie's name and the GSD jumped up, ran to the door as if he was looking for his buddy...then a few minutes later he was all sad-sack...went outside and moped around for the rest of the day.

We included our GSD in the burial process, he said good bye and watched us as we buried him. He knew and was extra loving to us; funny how dogs are smart like that!

A few suggestions I have to offer from our experiences--
1. Always have at least 2 dogs...it sure makes it more "bearable" to go through the day when one passes. When our first sheltie passed (lung cancer at 10--we were robbed!) we only had 1 dog and it was hard to come home. Small things would trigger an avalanche of emotions, like seeing paw prints in the yard--and no doggie. Feeding time...and no doggie.
2. Bring in young blood as the your dogs mature. It can add a few years to an older dogs life if they "have a purpose"--like training a new puppy all the "bad things that piss off the masters"...lol. It adds new life for sure. (We were planning to get a puppy in the next year as the GSD will turn 13...and the sheltie was 6 months behind).
3. Don't fall trap to the "money pit"...there will always be a fast talking schmuck wearing a white coat willing to take your $ to run tests and talk a good talk. In researching the bladder cancer issue, I came across a fool that racked up $15k in credit card debt....all chasing a dream. Now, if you are flush with cash...then dropping that kind of money is not a problem--but if you are living paycheck to paycheck (as this person was)...what a fool! How many years it will take for that dummy to pay off the $15k...doubt her dog would want her owner to be burdened that much...for that long.
4. Do things so you have "no regrets...no apologies". It makes waking up the next morning a lot easier.

Planning to get another puppy soon, I picked the breed of our last dog (GSD)...wifey's turn and I pray she does not pick a "foo foo dog"!


if it smells like fish
you never totally get over it..my dog has been gone several years now .. I bought my ride specifically with the dog in mind .. he sat in back and whenever I would stop the bungee cords between headrests would prevent him from landing on my shifter and I would get a patting on his head in then it would slowly push him back.. sometimes when I come to stop I still expect his head to appear.. it don't make me as sad and I remember the good times..but occasionally my eyes moisten themselves a tiny bit....lol.. I did get another dog but the ex got her now...oooh well I am considering a goldfish...