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homeade BHO extractors


ICMag Donor
Seriously GS, if you're doin an extract, I would stick with physical methods of trichome collection (ice or dry sieve). Using solvents is sort of uncharted terretory, and according to Master Thai, you should purify the rough extracts so they have less impurities from the solvent used....

Making Honey Oil like a pro ,ISO oil class part 2

Master Thai Oil 4 Peace, ISO oil class part 1
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Slap-A-Ho tribe
You can also find a stainless turkey baster at bath and body works, take the rubber piece off and secure a coffee filter over that end. Use the smaller end for the butane nozzle. Those basters are fairly small but it's better then nothing.


haha yes its much better to have one of those limited-edition 18" okief tubes, wouldn't u say chief? :wink:


Slap-A-Ho tribe
LOL, well of course but not everyone has the money or means to get one. I remember a time in college when $50 was all i had to eat with for a week..........sure don't miss those days. :fsu:
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Remember to cover coffee filter with stainless steel screen. Hold screen to tube with hose clamp. Would not want coffee filter to blow out into dish :yoinks:
I used stainless steel wire strainer just cut wire mesh part off plastic handle (sold right next to baster)

Einstein :wave:


Seriously GS, if you're doin an extract, I would stick with physical methods of trichome collection (ice or dry sieve). Using solvents is sort of uncharted terretory, and according to Master Thai, you should purify the rough extracts so they have less impurities from the solvent used....

god dude your first mistake was listening to Master Thai and secondly thinking he knows what the hell he's talking about, the dude talks in the third person for christ sakes, he's been laughed off threads before.

@Gardenstated, First off BHO is far superior to alcohol extraction, iso is how people made hash oil in the 60's and 70's basically before someone realized that butane would extract the oil. the reason why BHO is far superior to ISO is because ISO will dissolve the chlorophyll, butane wont. But it comes with its drawbacks, you have to be more careful when making BHO, some people, I won't mention who claim that you blow yourself up, but thats mainly for his personal gain(no offence dude, I like your products and respect you). In my experience all you need to do is open the doors to you house or either do it outside and don't smoke either way. BHO also is much faster to make, it takes longer to break up the pot than it does to extract.

For the extraction tube, what I made mine from was the pvc down piece for a sink that I bought at lowes, two endcaps with no holes in them. Screw them together, if they don't fit perfectly put masking tape on the threads otherwise you'll have hash oil in your hair and on you clothes. Take a drill with a very small bit and drill 4-5 small exit holes on the bottom, and find a bit that is a little smaller than the tane nozzle, drill down a little not all the way through, then get a bit slightly wider than the one just used, clean off all the fraid pvc with a knife and then insert weed, screw on the top cap and spray the tane from the top.

I never used a filter myself, don't really see the need if any particles fall through, its only pot, but if your a perfectionist get a coffee filter strap it to the bottom outsied the extractor and hold it on with rubber bands.

Have fun man, BHO is the strongest canna product you can make, take the right precautions and you'll be safe. Show me how it works for ya man. Peace

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