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Home Made Bamboo Steamroller (Pocket Knife + bowl)


Since i've been about 14 i have harvested wild bamboo and then taken a pocket knife to make steamrollers out of them. Sometimes i use a metal screw in bowl (which actually screws on and off) and sometimes , like this time, a cheap glass bowl.Delivers very *ahem* meaningful hits and gets you oh so stony :woohoo:
Hope you guys like it !!




Instructions - Make sure you hold the pipe in your hand to determine what the best "top" will be and get ready drill the hole there, in a similar position to the one in the picture.

To drill your bowl-hole, take the pocket knife and spin it around where you want a hole, continue to do this until your bowl piece fits in VERY snugly.
If you have to keep spinning the knife, stopping,checking to see if the bowl fits, spinning, and checking,then stopping again. That's ok, something about the bamboo causes it to expand a little and form very nice seals. Just keep boring the hole until the very first moment you can jam the bowl in. You want it to be TIGHT.

Remember to spin the knife in such a way to keep the circle (hole) symmetrical.
Use sandpaper to refine the mouth piece edge, which it totally open(cut your bamboo above the joint to achieve an easy opening, or hollow an end with pocket knife). Use the sandpaper to smooth the outside.
Take the knife and spin a hole about the size of a skittle(or a little smaller) in the end of the bamboo, this will be your carburetor.

It has a unique flavor and gets you huge clouds blowing.