Not to be redundant with another heat question, but I got a problem. The problem is that I have high temps during lights on cycle in my flowering chamber. I run a 1000 K HPS .I know all about needing to ventilate the stale hot air out while drawing fresh air in but here in lies the problem. My grow is located in a basement with glass block windows that are probably too small for an air conditioner. I'm renting the house right now so I can't really make any serious alterations( like blowing holes in walls ,running duct work ect). I also don't want to run an air conditioner because of ventilation problems. I do have two fans set up in my room ,both are attached to the walls of my flowering chamber, one pulls air out the other brings air in even with these running it still gets to like mid 90's in there. The only idea I could come up with is maybe buying a squirll cage fan and maybe blowing the hot air into the other part of the basement( I don't want to vent outside,because I have neghbors very close) so I don't really know what to do , but my crops always turn out shitty in the summer because of the heat.
Any advise twords my situation would really help. thanks
Any advise twords my situation would really help. thanks