First of all I would like to thanks HMK for send me this fantastic vap.!
Now, that I have a couple of oil vap, the one from HMK and the one that I build (
http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=27329 ) I will compare them using around 12g of clean BHO.
Before to get it, I thought that mine was better because mine doesn’t have any plastic part but I don’t feel any plastic taste. What I notice (HMK already tall me) is that as smaller is the vap. tastier is the smoke.
I also notice that the bell suppose to be small. As bigger it is, more bho recondense in it.
And finally, the ti pad. Mine is very thin and becomes cold very fast. With HMK, I can warm it and put the drop without stress (I prefer to volatilize than to vaporize).
After a few runs, I’ve to say that I prefer the HMK vap.
HMK, thanks again for this fantastic toy!
First of all I would like to thanks HMK for send me this fantastic vap.!
Now, that I have a couple of oil vap, the one from HMK and the one that I build (
http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=27329 ) I will compare them using around 12g of clean BHO.
Before to get it, I thought that mine was better because mine doesn’t have any plastic part but I don’t feel any plastic taste. What I notice (HMK already tall me) is that as smaller is the vap. tastier is the smoke.
I also notice that the bell suppose to be small. As bigger it is, more bho recondense in it.
And finally, the ti pad. Mine is very thin and becomes cold very fast. With HMK, I can warm it and put the drop without stress (I prefer to volatilize than to vaporize).
After a few runs, I’ve to say that I prefer the HMK vap.
HMK, thanks again for this fantastic toy!