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HMK vap oil VS GM vap oil


Well-known member

First of all I would like to thanks HMK for send me this fantastic vap.!
Now, that I have a couple of oil vap, the one from HMK and the one that I build (
http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=27329 ) I will compare them using around 12g of clean BHO.
Before to get it, I thought that mine was better because mine doesn’t have any plastic part but I don’t feel any plastic taste. What I notice (HMK already tall me) is that as smaller is the vap. tastier is the smoke.
I also notice that the bell suppose to be small. As bigger it is, more bho recondense in it.
And finally, the ti pad. Mine is very thin and becomes cold very fast. With HMK, I can warm it and put the drop without stress (I prefer to volatilize than to vaporize).
After a few runs, I’ve to say that I prefer the HMK vap.

HMK, thanks again for this fantastic toy!




How about explaining how those contraptions work? 12 grams of clean hash oil is quite a test field. When you are coherent again please add some details to this most interesting subject.


the unobtainium [what we used to call his sisters stuff back on og way back..] looks great. thanks for sharing.


honey oil addict
ya GM good to see you happy with it. glad its good for ya ~(';')~

i recently cut an extra big piece of titanium, and had a very slightly larger bell made, and i now can easily do huge vape hits on it. done a few 0.2s, and last nite was my first 0.25! :D good times.

WWM, they are small glass bongs my sister makes to my specs with a downturned bowl, and i attach with wire a piece of titanium for a heating/vaporizing pad that is made to swing down under the vapor catcher ...

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Quarter gram honey hits for real? I'd probably die if I tried that much at once!

PS - I knew the HMK vapour whip would come out on top. =)


honey oil addict
naw you dont die. i even got another guy to do a big hit, gave him a 0.15.. he never puked or nuthin.. :D we were just both permagrinnin for hours. and i had no urge to have another oil toke for well over an hour, which never happens on friday night jams usually.. ~<*o*>~


Well-known member

Hashmasta-Kut said:
i recently cut an extra big piece of titanium, and had a very slightly larger bell made, and i now can easily do huge vape hits on it. done a few 0.2s, and last nite was my first 0.25! :D good times.

:jawdrop: WOW! qaurter gram!
I think that my biggest hit was 0.1 g and I was stone for more than one hour.
I don't think that is possible to make bigger drop on this tpad but I'll try it.



honey oil addict
ya i dont think that pad was cut huge. i didnt have lots of titanium but i have more now. the pad i did the 0.25 gram toke is 1.5 inches by 1.25 inches.


Is that big f-ing brake disc in that pic your TI pad HMK?lol. that would be fun, 7 people could rip at a time. party oil.

and biggest oil rip, me personally, around .2 to .25...talk about getting the dank sweats, damn. but my friend Johhny boy took a half grammer, he's the local iron lung(everyone knows one) but damn, he ghosted the whole rip. can you imagine how freakin ripped he must have been. I'm jelous. anywho even .1 rips will blast you to the outer edges of the solar system. I LOVE BHO
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honey oil addict
how did you rip that, in a bong? i wonder how much of johnnys toke dripped down into it, if so.. on ash oil holds up well, but on weed it drips thru crazily.


Active member
Half gram of oil in one hit? Holy crap! I bet I could do it... :biglaugh:

I'm not sure what's the biggest hit of honey I've taken using the titanium vape thing. I never weigh the hits. lol. I'm guessing probably about .2 or maybe a bit more.


honey oil addict
i never used to, but now i have a .00 decimal scale. thats kinda why i got it actually, to see how big hoots were.


incredible vapobubblers there HMK
your sis does some beautiful work :yes:

they also look perfect for vaping DMT :D
plz lmk if u ever decide to put a pricetag on one :)
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Yeah man, those oil bubblers are richeous!!!

Ive been trying to find an oil pipe for my BHO but they're illegal in my state.

Fucking Blows,