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Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says


Well-known member

Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says​

Higher concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC -- the part of the marijuana plant that makes you high -- are causing more people to become addicted in many parts of the world, a new review of studies found.

Compared with people who use lower-potency products (typically 5 to 10 milligrams per gram of THC), those who use higher-potency cannabis are more likely to experience addiction and mental health outcomes, according to the study published Monday in the journal Lancet Psychiatry.

Scientists have established a "standard THC unit" of 5 milligrams of THC for research. That amount is said to produce a mild intoxication for nonregular users.
"One of the highest quality studies included in our publication found that use of high potency cannabis, compared to low potency cannabis, was linked to a four-fold increased risk of addiction," said study coauthor Tom Freeman, a senior lecturer in the department of psychology and director of the addiction and mental health group at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, in an email.

In the United States, about 3 in 10 people who use marijuana have cannabis use disorder, the medical term for marijuana addiction, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease and Prevention.

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction found a 76% rise in people entering treatment for cannabis addiction over the past decade, "while cannabis potency continued to rise during the same time," Freeman said.

In addition, "a report by the United Nations found that in the past two decades, the proportion of people seeking treatment for cannabis addiction has risen in all world regions apart from Africa," he said.


In a gram of herbal cannabis, the dried and harvested tops of female marijuana plants that are typically smoked, THC concentrations increased by approximately 2.9 milligrams each year, according to a 2020 study by Freeman and his team at the University of Bath.

In cannabis resin, the sticky brown sap on the plant from which extracts and concentrations are made, THC levels increased by approximately 5.7 milligrams each year from 1975 to 2017, the study found. Concentrated products can reach extremely high levels of THC.

This yearly rise in potency may not be clear to consumers, experts fear. While looking at a product label might tell a person the "precise potency" of THC in a store where marijuana is legally sold, "people buying cannabis illegally may not be able to access reliable information about the potency of the product they are using," Freeman said.

"However, certain types of cannabis are typically more potent than others -- cannabis extracts are typically more potent than cannabis flower," he added.

While people do try to adjust their consumption when the potency of their cannabis varies, "such as by adding less cannabis to their joint or inhaling less deeply," these efforts fail to completely work, Freeman said. That means "higher potency products still deliver a larger dose of THC to consumers than lower potency products," he said.

Gee a NARC named Tom is sure cannabis is harmful, just as the Nazis were sure Jews were harmful Same shit different day. BTW if you want people to honest in thier research maybe its a bad ideal to trust someone who's job is on the line. Just another fucking moron that thinks its ok to have a beer but never take a shot. File this under reefer madness two "don't smoke cannabis because it might be harmful". Fact check Tom you piece of shit its because of people like you that most people don't know that no one has ever died from cannabis! 7 Million die from tobacco and 3 Million from alcohol each year but cannabis that has never been the cause of death is the real issue right? Fucking moron. Like I said Tom narcs like you cause far more harm and death then all illicit drug use "500,000 people die mostly from toxic supplies". Yes Tom you cause the deaths of millions of people because you are a fucking moron trying to force your ideology on to everyone rather then understanding the relative dangers all drugs have including coffee. Tom your either too fucking arrogant or stupid "FYI I've met people who have thier PHD but still believe that the earth is flat" to understand that prohibition causes far more harm then illicit drugs.
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Well-known member
Ya I get a good laugh from "addiction specialists". Its ok to drink a beer but a shot will make you an addict, the garbage this guy is spewing has long since been debunked. Its the same with weed one toke of a strong cannabis will make you an addict but smoking a whole joint of mild cannabis won't even though its the same amount of THC. The stupidity of his arguments is self evident. BTW 90% of people are addicted to caffeine. A person might find consuming too much caffeine and experiencing side effects to be easy. However, a life-threatening overdose is rare, and a caffeine overdose as a cause of death even rarer. In a 2018 review of scientific journal articles, researchers identified 92 reported deaths from caffeine overdose. And zero from cannabis use so what's more dangerous you coffee or your cannabis? Smoking a joint laughing my ass off!


Well-known member
A brief look at his papers shows cannabis is the focus of many.
Obviously we have found someone on the against team. We know they exist.

Getting stronger? that's no different to using more of a weaker variant. You can't blame the strength of the smoke or drink, for how people use it. It's not worth reading. I just looked up who he was to see how old he is. Actually... not an old geezer


Well-known member
I think the idea cannabis is addictive really needs clearing up. It's simply not.
I have cut down a little, but spent years smoking 1/8th a day, sometimes 1/8th and a 1/16th and could go away for a week without wanting one. Except for the obvious beach chair, cool drink, 10pm situation. Where obviously I would have preferred life with than without. That's in no way a need though. Which is what addiction is. A need, rather than a wish.

It's not like I'm an outlier either. I struggled as much as anyone with tobacco. A substance that actually has undeniable withdrawal symptoms. I tried opium, and realised in one night I needed a week to make the urge for more go away. Cocaine got a hold I had to shake before my accounts took a hit. Green, pills, acid, No. Ket, DMT, shrooms, No. These are less addictive than coffee, and nobody is in rehab for slipping back onto coffee.

It's ludicrous. When you see where the evidence comes from, the story gets worse. It's some dickhead using addiction to explain their shoplifting. Or someone looking to blame something for another addiction, so using this 'gateway' bollox. Just idiots. Yes green is nice, or nobody would use it. It's not addictive though, by any measure I can offer.

People can get addicted to collecting shoes. Are shoes addictive? Should we ban them, or make them a controlled item. Should we shelter our kids from the fact we wear them. This questions are as serious as one's relating to cannabis addiction. Finally.. I serious measure of the problem.


Active member


Autistic Diplomat in Training
"Addiction" is actually a process of easing discomfort. Whether the discomfort is mental or physical does not matter. What matters are the tools one uses to relieve the discomfort. When the tool is food, to ease the discomfort of being hungry, one only jokingly refers to being addicted to food. When that same food is used to ease a mental discomfort, to the destruction of health, the person is referred to as an addict of food.

Does cannabis ease discomfort? Yes... and for a huge number of discomforts. Is it a dangerous drug? Only when used ignorantly and incorrectly.

Educate Yerselves ('Cause the media won't do it, they NEED you to be dumb)... be better than you were yesterday! ;)


Well-known member
It's unfortunate that language is so fluid. Every generation takes a word and uses it to mean quite the opposite. We all agree Michael Jackson was bad. Yet our thoughts of why could be starkly different.

The dictionary that matters, see's me as addicted to cannabis through devotion. So I can be addicted, to things that are not addictive.

This means the problem is me. Not the hats.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
What discomforts of yours are you aware of?

Which ones are you not, how loud is the feedback from it, and how much cannabis do you use to be ok with it? ;)


Well-known member
I'm not medicating for any discomfort.

I keep visiting this site, when I should be potting up. So this site is having a negative effect on my functionality. Yet here I am aware of this and letting it happen. That could be deemed an addiction.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Insulin is used by maaaaaany people who could quit through diet changes. Helped someone (type 1) go from 400's for 10 years, down to waking up with 98 and 120's in 3 weeks. *shrug* Type 2 diabetes is totally and completely reversible (if done before decades of insulin abuse) through food choices.

Before our food industry went corn syrup and artificial everything crazy, type 2 diabetes was called 'Adult Onset' diabetes because people rarely came down with it before their 30's. When infants began being born with it they changed the name to 'Type 2.'

Learn something new every day... damnit! ;)

To keep from dying... not addicted mentally no.


Well-known member
I was trying to make a point that most medicines used to treat life-long conditions are not considered 'addicting'...as long as there is no 'happiness' involved. If happiness is involved, it seems that a substance (or activity...or inactivity, ha) is often considered 'addictive'.

My personal idea of what 'addictive' means...is that more and more is needed until it kills the user. Can Cannabis concentrates get so strong as to kill folks?