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High times are headed for D.C. — and a whole lot of cannabis chaos


Active member
Ah, our nation's capital:

"The District of Columbia could soon earn a new nickname: the Wild West of marijuana.

In 10 days, a voter-approved initiative to legalize marijuana will take effect, D.C. officials say. Residents and visitors old enough to drink a beer will be able to possess enough pot to roll 100 joints. They will be able to carry it, share it, smoke it and grow it.

But it’s entirely unclear how anyone will obtain it. Unlike the four states where voters have approved recreational pot use, the District government has been barred from establishing rules governing how marijuana will be sold. It was prohibited from doing so by Congress, which has jurisdiction over the city.

In December, after voters overwhelmingly approved a referendum to legalize pot use, opponents in Congress tried to upend the result by blocking any new rules establishing legal ways to sell it, protections for those caught purchasing it or taxes to cover its social costs.

D.C. officials say that Congress’s action did not halt the initiative, but it did set the city up for potential chaos. Barring *last-minute federal intervention, the District’s attorney general said that pot will become legal as early as Feb. 26 without any regulations in place to govern a new marketplace that is likely to explode into view.

Even some supporters of the initiative are worried. At best, they predict an uncertain *free-for-all where marijuana enthusiasts immediately start growing and smoking at home — and testing the limits of a law that does not allow for public consumption or sale. At worst, they say, as entrepreneurs push ahead with the business of pot, unregulated businesses will start popping up with no means to judge the safety of their product.

Two ballrooms on Capitol Hill are already reserved for a pot expo on Feb. 28. A date for a massive marijuana seed giveaway is in the works for early March. Some are planning “cannabis clubs” with membership fees and access to the plant. Others hope to offer high-end catered dinners cooked in *marijuana-infused oils; recently, an underground test dinner was served a mile-and-a-half north of the White House.

“Where can it be bought? Sold? Eaten? Smoked? We’re not going to have answers to any of that, and that makes me very concerned,” said D.C. Council member David Grosso (I-At Large). And as the consequences play out in the nation’s capital, he said, it could set back the entire movement: “Let’s be responsible about how we do this so we don’t have a negative image coming out.”


Bob Green

So I guess we just wait and see if the fit hits the shan tomorrow?
Ummm it's tomorrow here, what happened? I feel I suddenly need to take a trip to Washington Dc to pay respects to my brothers forging the way?

Maybe if I turn on CNN I will find truth.


Well-known member
Their are two federal bills on marijuana one to tax it and one to legalize and hand control over to the ATF. it will be known as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana firearms and explosives. Lets hope these bills end prohibition for good. Its called the "Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol Act"


Well-known member
They did not have any problem speaking the truth on Pacifica radio. The mayor was threatened with jail, by the ruling party. He managed to find the courage to do the right thing.


Active member
ICMag Donor
this guys said maybe he'll find truth on cnn :biglaugh:

good luck man!

Too much money over the meaning.

The whole thing is being shadowed by the systems perspective.

What about say mine.

I think this is kinda stupid since everything is talking about shit relating to money.

Nothing positive how say, cancer patients in that city will now be able to use an alternative source for treatment...

or about the incarcerated people for money.... not because of a plant, but money...

all i read in this article is

"I'm the government, and I can't make money on this new thing we are doing." Plain and simple.

They just want control, of it ALL.

It should be decriminalized, and let everyone go, return the stolen profits, and merchandise and then leave it be, the way it is.

Real gross how people don't give a FUCK about whats actually important and the principle behind things, they just wanna cash in on the newest ish....

And District of Columbia is not even the USA... this shit makes no sense from the start.

How are we allowing a "city" that is not part of our Country but in the middle of it (Vatican ring any bells?) to govern us?

What the fuck is wrong with us.

Don't fly to DC to "support" the non sense.

Keep doing the real thing of growing it and SHARING it.

They wanna tax our weed just like they wanna tax the air we breathe, just like they tax our water, and electricity...


USA isn't even top 20 of education... and we have more empty houses than we have homeless people.

Need to get our priorities straight, and getting innocent people outa jail is very important, but lets not get carried away and give one of the very last things we have left on this earth, that we can truly call, our own.

Id say freedom is right there with it and We pretty much are about to lose both...

Too bad there wasn't a larger movement for shit like human rights lol.... or environmental protection... lol or REAL food.

Not saying I'm not for change, Just bringing up that different information we tend to forget when we are excited about something specifically.

Lets not be fooled by this government.

I think the upcoming Cannabis Reform is a government Trojan Horse. Its all of a sudden and going REALLY FAST.


They did not have any problem speaking the truth on Pacifica radio. The mayor was threatened with jail, by the ruling party. He managed to find the courage to do the right thing.

I saw Mayor Bowser's press conference anouncing that marijuana would be legal a minute after twelve AM on the 26th of February. She didn't have any trouble finding the courage. When asked about the jail threat from the Republicans. she just smiled and said "I have so much to do for DC, me being in jail would be a bad idea."


Active member
They did not have any problem speaking the truth on Pacifica radio. The mayor was threatened with jail, by the ruling party. He managed to find the courage to do the right thing.

I laughed out loud at the Repub bluster. It's not like the DOJ will throw her in jail, and there's nobody else to do it.

Anybody who knew much of anything about cannabis knew that legalization would work. We just needed the opportunity to prove it, which Holder & Obama have provided when CO & WA voters asked for it. I'm sure they knew it, too, or we wouldn't be here.

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