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High hopes ride on marijuana painkillers amid opioid crisis


Well-known member
Isn’t this a kick in the butt. Now marijuana has potential as a painkiller (as such it would have medical value). All involved in keeping a lid on its use for the last 8 decades should be shamed for all the suffering (and possible deaths) they may have caused. Better yet, lock them up and make them pay restitutions.

High hopes ride on marijuana painkillers amid opioid crisis

A handful of drugmakers are taking their first steps toward developing marijuana-based painkillers, alternatives to opioids that have led to widespread abuse and caused the U.S. health regulator to ask for a withdrawal of a popular drug this month.

The cannabis plant has been used for decades to manage pain and there are increasingly sophisticated marijuana products available across 29 U.S. states, as well as in the District of Columbia, where medical marijuana is legal.

There are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved painkillers derived from marijuana, but companies such as Axim Biotechnologies Inc, Nemus Bioscience Inc and Intec Pharma Ltd have drugs in various stages of development.

The companies are targeting the more than 100 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain, and are dependent on opioid painkillers such as Vicodin, or addicted to street opiates including heroin.

Opioid overdose, which claimed celebrities including Prince and Heath Ledger as victims, contributed to more than 33,000 deaths in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Earlier this month, the FDA asked Endo International Plc to withdraw its Opana ER painkiller from the market, the first time the agency has called for the removal of an opioid painkiller for public health reasons. The FDA concluded that the drug's benefits no longer outweighed its risks.


Multiple studies have shown that pro-medical marijuana states have reported fewer opiate deaths and there are no deaths related to marijuana overdose on record.

But marijuana-derived drugs could take longer than usual to hit the market as the federal government considers marijuana a "schedule 1" substance - a dangerous drug with no medicinal value - making added approvals necessary. Any drug typically takes at least a decade from discovery to approval.

It could be worth the wait.

An FDA-approved marijuana-based painkiller would ensure consistent dosing and potency, and availability across the country, analysts and experts said.

"Doctors like to be able to write a prescription and know that whatever they wrote is pure and from a blinded, placebo-controlled trial," California-based Nemus's CEO Brian Murphy told Reuters.

Nemus is testing its product - a synthetic version of the non-psychoactive CBD compound found in cannabis - on rats with chronic pain and expects to report data later this year.

Rival Axim, whose North American headquarters is in New York, is conducting preclinical studies on a chewing gum containing synthetic CBD and THC, a psychoactive compound found in marijuana. The company expects to submit an FDA application to start a trial on opioid-dependent patients this year.

Leading the pack is Israel-based Intec, which recently announced the start of an early-stage study testing its painkiller made of natural CBD and THC extracts.


Independent scientists are also looking to find natural, non-pharmaceutical alternatives to opioids, but many have said it is difficult to access government-approved marijuana to conduct research due to supply restrictions.

"It's taken me seven years to get the DEA license," said Dr Sue Sisley, who is planning to conduct an FDA-regulated study evaluating whether marijuana can help opioid-dependent patients.

There could soon be other alternatives as well. Pfizer Inc and Biogen Inc are among a clutch of drugmakers developing non-opioid painkillers that are in advanced clinical studies.

Still, opioid painkillers are here to stay and will continue to be widely prescribed, especially for patients with acute and post-surgical pain.

The Republican healthcare bill unveiled on Thursday has proposed a drastic cut to the Medicaid budget and could gut, what advocates say, is essential coverage for drug addiction treatment, potentially hampering the fight against opioid abuse.



Well-known member
all the people that made marijuana illegal back in the day are dead or almost dead heck some of them might still be alive because of marijuana aint that some shit. I wish i lived in d.c. i would offer congress people weed everyday. Thats where people need to protest especially now with J Sessions wanting to go on a prosecution rampage.


ICMag Donor
It's all about the money and control

And....changing the DEA Scheduling. Cannabis/marijuana is still and unfortunately will remain a Schedule I "drug" Controlled Subtance. Substances in this schedule have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse.

Oxycodone and derivatives are Schedule II.


Well-known member
I am waiting for them to realize mass field grown is the answer, grow chemo types in the field and then to extraction and then standardize oils, capsules etc. They will never be able to do it for cheaper and they will be able to do large scale to keep up with supply. Farmers would benefit not just from the profits of it but as a new crop to help build their soil again just like when they realize hemp needs to be less restricted and mass grown again. If they got really into this they can make autoflowering strains with chemotypes which in some regions allow for 3-4 harvests from the fields a year. Time will come where even if it is cheap it is still very profitable for all involved while provide a low cost and effective medicine for many people.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
It's unfortunate the pharma companies stand to lose billions of dollars a year. Their fear is causing some serious backlash, which I expect to get worse.

Yes Limeygreen, the answer lies in mass outdoor cultivation of specific chemotypes. I'm a firm believer in full plant extracts, made with as little terpene destruction as possible.