Hi there fellow growers,
I'm Just in the process of switching to organic growing, but have had problems with my water on my previous grows so decided to get an inexpensive water test and got some mixed results. (see table below)
So my last grows I had to adjust the PH of my Blumat Reservoir all the time to keep the PH kind of stable. And it didn't work out good.
So my question is,
Do I need a reverse osmosis system to fix my water problem when growing organic?
Or is there a better way to amend my soil to combat my water?
My soil consists of:
1part Peatmoss
1part Aeration,
1part Wormcasting
Ecothrive life-cycle (N/P/K/+ Mg/Ca - 3 /0.5 /1.5/ + 1/5)
I will run 2x75l (20Gal) grow bags with Tropf Blumat drippers.
Other amendments I thought to buy, Alfalfa, Neem cake, Malted Barley, Hydrolysed Kelp
I'm Just in the process of switching to organic growing, but have had problems with my water on my previous grows so decided to get an inexpensive water test and got some mixed results. (see table below)
So my last grows I had to adjust the PH of my Blumat Reservoir all the time to keep the PH kind of stable. And it didn't work out good.
So my question is,
Do I need a reverse osmosis system to fix my water problem when growing organic?
Or is there a better way to amend my soil to combat my water?
My soil consists of:
1part Peatmoss
1part Aeration,
1part Wormcasting
Ecothrive life-cycle (N/P/K/+ Mg/Ca - 3 /0.5 /1.5/ + 1/5)
I will run 2x75l (20Gal) grow bags with Tropf Blumat drippers.
Other amendments I thought to buy, Alfalfa, Neem cake, Malted Barley, Hydrolysed Kelp