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Hickenlooper: Colorado ‘reckless’ to legalize marijuana


Active member
So, Colorado's Governor says that decriminalizing cannabis was a mistake, and other states should not follow them:

DENVER — Leave it to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, fresh off his best political week in months, to say something controversial on stage at Monday’s debate with Republican Bob Beuprez, the fifth debate between the gubernatorial candidates to date.

Hickenlooper, a Democrat seeking a second term, withstood pressure from Beauprez over his administration’s ongoing sentencing reforms amidst a new Denver Post report about the Dept. of Corrections releasing a violent inmate after he made threats to go on a shooting rampage after getting out of prison.

But when the debate turned to a question about Colorado’s implementation of recreational marijuana, Hickenlooper ad libbed, saying that it would be “reckless” for other states to legalize pot before allowing more time to judge how things are going here.

Asked if he thought it was reckless for Colorado voters to approve legal marijuana in 2012, Hickenlooper kept going.

“I think for us to do that without having all the data, there is not enough data, and to a certain extent you could say it was reckless,” he said. “I’m not saying it was reckless because I’ll get quoted everywhere, but if it was up to me, I wouldn’t have done it, right? I opposed it from the very beginning.

“In matter of fact, all right, what the hell — I’ll say it was reckless.”

The riff — trademark Hickenlooper — drew laughter from the room; but it’s not likely to endear the Democrat to pro-marijuana voters, many of whom are already inclined to vote for independent candidate Mike Dunafon, who’s running on a pro-legalization platform (as outlined in his recent rap video featuring Wyclef Jean and a number of local marijuana activists).

Beauprez, for his part, came across far more measured than in the previous gubernatorial debate last Thursday night, when he raised Hickenlooper’s ire for attacking him on his administration’s sentencing policies — an indelicate allusion, intended or not, to the murder of former Dept. of Corrections Chief Tom Clements by a recently paroled inmate last March.

Beauprez pressed Hickenlooper to say whether his office or a DOC staffer pressured the Post not to run the story about the violent parolee being released.

“This is a very serious public safety issue and I think sentencing and parole policies in Colorado do need a review,” Beauprez said.

Hickenlooper said that Colorado is addressing solitary confinement reform “more aggressively than any state in the country.”

Hickenlooper also said he believes it was someone in the Dept. of Corrections, not his office, who spoke with the Post.

Of the inmate’s threat, Hickenlooper said it “should be taken seriously, but is very hard to prosecute.”

“Deliberation isn’t necessarily a weakness,” Hickenlooper continued. “Some people see it as a strength.”

Video & comments @:


Reckless, to me, is Harry J. Anslinger starting a war on marijuana and imprisoning hundreds of thousands of people without any facts to support it... talk about not having the data: criminalization has been sustained by outright lies (not just lack of data)...

Methinks Mr. Hickenlooper does not understand the word 'reckless'...


But a couple months ago it was a wild success when they were counting their revenue, even tho it was waayyy short of expectations. I had an opportunity in CO but desided against for numerous reasons, it could have been great but now I'm actually glad it didn't happen. I love California.


3rd-Eye Jedi
my thought is he things if people listen it will keep the value higher in Colorado via cannatourism


if it smells like fish
I don't trust any politician...their all lying bastards...with their own agenda...if booze is legal then so should weed...we have know the data on alcohol for a long time,,, its time to make a good tar/feathering a common occurance once again


ICMag Donor
Oh, Hickenlooper's just back pedaling with opponent Beaprez inching up in ratings....equal or slightly ahead.

The people of Colorado spoke & VOTED (when it was left for them to decide). Certainly his distillery dining has paid off. Remember when THAT was illegal? Anything to generate a taxbase.

Actually Colorado has benefitted with tax revenues. Hoping the tax proceeds do benefit what it was acclaimed to do and not go into some deep pocket somewhere.

And tourism in SO CO (cannot vouch for Denver/surrounding areas) is up, bringing their hard earned dollars to the display case and locals, too.

Although we GYO, and have better specimens (according to those sampling both) than the area dispensaries, there's still a steady trickle of out of state license plates parked. Those that cannot grow, purchase. Let them do that!!

Native American gaming has paid for education, health care for tribal members easing the tax burden onto Joe & Jane America. So, why not cannabis?

But, with conservatives being elected, a new US ATTY GEN, things could change. It'll just go back underground. Not likely.

Hemp is becoming a popular crop as well...oil, fiber, paper, rope, etc.

With more states voting to legalize, decriminalize, CO will continue to benefit, being the flagship of "reckless" new ventures.


ICMag Donor
I'm happy to be in this "reckless" state...

What an ignorant comment... "don't have enough data"...

To that I say BULLSHIT!!!

The data says that the people are getting tired of being lied to in order to uphold this ridiculous prohibition.


ICMag Donor
I think it would be reckless to even consider that guy for re-election


ICMag Donor
I think it would be reckless to even consider that guy for re-election

Have you seen or know about his opponent???? Now he's scary (conservative, an opponent of cannabis & likely to ask for repeal)!!! Along with a few others way "out there" in ideology.

Hickenlooper is merely playing the political shell game.


keep in mind Hickenlooper was an unemployed geologist who started brewing beer at the Wynkoop so he made his money off of booze. "Reckless" is a poor choice of words considering the number of people killed in CO by drunk drivers.

Here's a video with Dunafon (the guy has more lesbians working for him than Meskis! lol) interesting to check out but you probably don't need to watch the whole thing. He should bring some interesting debate to the campaign.



New member
Everybody just take a good long puff...now we can share ideas in a civilized fashion. In a civilized human society...SCIENCE is a tool or process we use to bring about undeniable facts, truth...example; Rapist brought to justice DNA sample is on their victims @ scientific lab test...Cannabinoids from cannabis plant destroying cancer cell the clean way from an inoperative brain cancer...Federal Government has patent on these cannabinoids and have known their efficacy right at the same time it was placed on schedule I drug...Undeniable fact Federal Government has monopolized this plant...when the very foundation of the American Justice System is stained with lies and corruption...the Minute Man in every Americans will awaken...denying scientific facts is denying your very existence. Time for another medicinal break...


Active member
Have you seen or know about his opponent???? Now he's scary (conservative, an opponent of cannabis & likely to ask for repeal)!!! Along with a few others way "out there" in ideology.

Hickenlooper is merely playing the political shell game.

I don't live in CO so I have no real dog in the fight here, but my $.02 here, while that is all very true, still, as long as people think along those lines, that he has just one other opponent, that is just how long this political shell game lasts. It is NOT just DEM or REP, blue vs. red. He does NOT have only one opponent.

Either choice of those two parties is just same shit, different day.

Only until a really different choice like maybe:
will trigger words like "reckless cannabis policy" and other stupid crap like that not be heard being spouted by these yuks and then that inflammatory speech is what makes the news and enrages everyone. He did that, he got people talking about him, he got what he wanted here. More free publicity for his campaign.


Active member
Hick just shows how deep the divide is between perception of cannabis and the reality of it, how successful decades of propaganda have been.

Like a lot of people, he's having trouble admitting that he was mistaken. Our ongoing legalization "experiment" is proving that he has been. Like a lot of public figures, he can't yet come out & say it's working out better than he ever expected.


If you are from here you will probably agree with HICK...

Hmmm... I'm not (from CO), so I can't say, really... but Jhhhn is, and he doesn't seem to concur.

FWIW, I'm not saying ol' Chickenpooper isn't playing a political game (whether it's smart, we'll say), and I'm not saying this comment should or does disqualify him for any particular CO voters (yeah, his Rep opponent is IMO scary)...

I AM saying, in contrast to the utter ruin (orders of magnitude greater than any harm to CO brought by rapid implementation of voters' referendum wishes) wrought by a national drug policy against cannabis that was formulated on ignorance, [some] racism, and outright lies, Gov Hickenlooper completely misses the point and insults everyone who has listened to 80 ~ 100 years of anti-mj agitprop and said 'Enough!'


Senior Member
One thing we do know is hick probably probably won't push to change anything...he is hooked on the revenue. At worst he tries to force more to the recreational side to collect more taxes. That other nut job...who the fuck knows what he might try.

I may throw up in my mouth a little but I gotta vote for the lesser of two evil cocksuckers.


Actually, you DO... at least until voting system is changed

Actually, you DO... at least until voting system is changed

Actually, you don't. And that is all I have been trying to say.

I'll just STFU now.

Nah, don't STFU... perspective and civil dialog is always valuable.

But whether ya don't have to "choose between the lesser of two evils" depends on whether you view a winner-takes-all election as a straight up choice between the candidates (ALL the candidates in the field, not just the two major parties) -or- as a 'Keynesian beauty contest'...

see, e.g., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_beauty_contest

In politics, this leads to the 'tactical voting' that you are [seem to be?] decrying. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical_voting

Problem is, in the kind of winner-take-all plurality system we generally use here in the good ol' US of A, tactical voting is not just perfectly [short-term] rational & common... it inevitably leads to two-party dominance.

Until/unless the voting system is changed to something like a ranked-choice or Bucklin-style/majority-judgement type of system, 3rd party candidates have no real shot... this is true even in my state (Maine) where there is a tradition of independents winning (e.g., Jim Longley in the 70s, Angus King more recently... they just haven't sustained anything in terms of building alternatives to the two dominant parties).

(FWIW, even these alternative voting methods have their own flaws/vulnerabilities)

All of which suggests that attempting to persuade voters in the middle of a existing winner-take-all plurality contest to vote for some 3rd party or independent candidate is a fool's errand.

Rather than try convincing voters currently facing choices in the existant plurality system that there really is some sort of meaningful alternative to Kittenlicker or Beaupuppy, it would perhaps be more long-term effective to argue for changing the system.

FWIW, if I were a CO voter, my choice would prolly be Harry Hempy (not Dunafon or the other libertarian wackdoodles... critical thinking my arse)