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Hi everyone...new to ICM.. OG transplant, KICC member...


Active member
Hey guys!

Im lookin for all my KICC-heads... I know you guys are out there, constantly tweaking and upgrading all your concentrate methods!!!

I just wanted to say HOLA and also "THANKS" for having us OGers on your board until things resolve...

I wanna give shouts out to Bonecarver, Hashbean, Oaxacaspice, TameThaTane, Chief-Smoking-Bud, Bubbleman, and anyothers I can't remember right now from KICC...

If you're from OG but you changed your name, please PM me so I can mark it down, I don't wanna lose touch with y'all...

Thanks again!



I see it didn't take long for ya to find the hash forum :yes:

I haven't seen bones yet but there a few out there hang and make good hashish I would think.


Active member
bones is around i saw him make a post here yesterday ,i recon we should just get chief to make a new K.I.C.C thread here ,lets get started chief i wanna post pictures hehe.
i have seen hillbillieonpcp here to so there is alot of us kicc members here


That T Guy doesn't exist.

whaddup MMM :D hash bean :yes: oaxaca :joint:

we shall re-build...

Hillbillie... did you hear me??? i said we shall re-build

shabbat shalom

may Hashem bless RC and his Family

btw - is this the new KICC thread? :) i know dozer was missing it.

MMM, if you want this to just be a "wake up" thread :D, then start the new kicc :yes:

if not, i guess this is it :yes: mmm daddy

i had planned on starting a thread today called "ReFooGee KICCamp" :D LOL

admittedly, old pic's, but hey, a concentrate thread needs pics...
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Active member
I didn't save any of my KICC pics, they were on OG only...*argh*

So bear with me while I get some trim and run an ISO... $$$s been tight lately.

KICC shall rise from the ashes like the proverbial phoenix...a concentrated phoenix ;)




How's it going crew? Hope you all had a pleasant flight this morning, at present I'm on approach to Munchyville USA, afterwards I load the pipe and I'll be airborne in no time at all [at 20,000 Ft.]...

O-vo, mmm420socal, my West Coast compadre.

hash*_*bean, my friend, thanks for the link [what a trip]. It even looks like a bong, that's the shit, baby. :D

TOB, mi gran amigo de la resina "miel de oro", como te va? I think this should just be a rally point until we can get the KICC into its own sovereign thread.

Check out the pic of the KICC building, doesn't it look like a fucking bong? :chin:

Paz y mas...



Active member
lol hehe i didnt even notice that ,we should take the small bulding and turn it upside down and make it a cone it has a nice shape


I can't help it, all I ever see is patterns and shapes, you know what I mean... I saved the pic, I'm going to see if I can't photoshop its pixelated ass :D

Paz y mas...


Active member
Thats a trip man!! We got a bong building... The KICC building should be our meet up point hahahaha...

Im glad we're all here... I see more and more familiar names. Im glad no one got spooked and used a different name... I thought about it, but who would believe I am the artist formerly known as M(3)???

I guess Im the only "-cubed" around here now, since T-Cubed went into the ether of the net...

Oh well, Tha Oil Baron seems pretty kewl tho ;) hahahaha.



eaglevision, THANKS BROTHER! great coffee, smells wonderful, very interesting flavor, seems almost silky to me, but hey, that's just me. Most excellent, most excellent indeed.

Paz y mas...