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Hey Oil Help


New member
Hey guys i jus recently attempted my first batch of oil didnt have the time to get all the stuff for BHO so i went with a QWISO with a half oz of various golden vaped leftovers i shook the material in a mason jar for 40 seconds then empted n filtered through paper coffe filters onto a pyrex dish n left evoapoate over night when i woke up i have a thin layer of oil sticky n kinda hard to come off with a razor blade didnt yeild much at all n it was so sticky it was hard to scrape n put on papers which was the only way i could do it so now to my question? Why did i Yeild such a small amount i dont think it was really worth it i could of made it go alot farther in cooking or so i think? id take any suggestions to higher my yeild with iso and how to make it easier to manage n collect thanks! again gc :wave:


Active member
you see Shmike I said you were the master..... nice pics...but dankskee CSB is right... shite in shite out.. also I found there can be quite a big of hash sitting on my filters after they have drained.... I suggest... as others have before that when emptying out your ISO wash into the filter you keep the material out of it... here's what I do...

I have two filter ready... #1 receives the ISO wash mixture - no trim... I keep the trim in the jar I did the washing in.. using my fingers or you could pur it into a strainer over the filter.

Then while that is draining through the filter, I dump my washed trim into a second filter and I hold that up and let it drip into the first one... I sometime squeeze it but you need to be carefull or you will just get green shite in your ISO wash....

I chuck the filter with trim and when the #1 filter has fully drained I tear open the filter and look for hash that got caught... there is usually a bit... sometimes its a bit contaminated but with a screen or something you could clean it up more...

for qty of the hash caught in the filter I think it is near as much again as I get from the wash so I think it is worth it... although when I get to clean this one up a bit might be a bit less than I think is there... who knows...

Also when evaporating your iso, a couple days of drying before scraping will get you some nice flakes... like the 2nd pic in Shmike's first post... scraping on same day or so it will be more resiny or oily and will be darker like the other pics Shmike has there....

Also ... if the iso is a bit dark looking when it is evaporating, I find the color can lighten up if you leave it a few more days to dry or put it in the sun a bit before scraping.... but don't leave outside as bugs will dive into your iso, get smashed and never leave...

hope your next effort is more satisfying


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