Hey guys i jus recently attempted my first batch of oil didnt have the time to get all the stuff for BHO so i went with a QWISO with a half oz of various golden vaped leftovers i shook the material in a mason jar for 40 seconds then empted n filtered through paper coffe filters onto a pyrex dish n left evoapoate over night when i woke up i have a thin layer of oil sticky n kinda hard to come off with a razor blade didnt yeild much at all n it was so sticky it was hard to scrape n put on papers which was the only way i could do it so now to my question? Why did i Yeild such a small amount i dont think it was really worth it i could of made it go alot farther in cooking or so i think? id take any suggestions to higher my yeild with iso and how to make it easier to manage n collect thanks! again gc