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hey OFs, do your parents know you smoke?




i lost my mum a few months ago and found it amusing that i smoked for 37 years and she never knew. well except for the busts in high school. she thought once i joined the military (at the suggestion of the local cops) that i would straighten up. cute huh? lol

she married a guy with 5 children. i was getting high with four of them and their spouces(sp?) when we were in our 30s and suggested that we just up and tell the parents that we got high. i'm surprised they didn't beat me up. they said they would deny it and recommended i not tell.

in our 30's. lol
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my parents know ...they are into natural meds and even though extreamly conservative beleave in leaglization for medical use .....i do not smoke around them or talk about the fact i smoke but i believe when i told them i grew it for med use they might have guessed i also smoked it..... :wink:


Meh both my parents smoke not like I chong it up but they both do and I have pinched off the both of them at one time or another. My uncle grows and been smoking since 60 somethin. Lot of tokers in my family. Moms sister smokes daily etc etc. My parents know and they don't care...do they know I grow...nah fuk dat.


Active member
Hey fatboy, good to see you 'bout.

My father acknowledged my preference for herb over alcohol. He left the decision up to me, and I chose herb. My grandfathers generation were the rum runners of prohibition,

Out of respect, we always take are toke outside, we even have a special name for the back door, the toke out.
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When I was young I watched my father grow outdoors...
Now I'm teaching him to grow indoors...


Mom's 80, she knows I've smoked at various times throughout my life...I had seedlings in the basement when I was a kid.

She taught me how to garden in the dirt, that's why I'm a good dope grower.

Yeah, she knows I'm a stonehead, but she loves me anyway.

I smoked reefer with my dad, too! :joint:


My grandparents taught me to garden, and my Dad taught me to grow weed outdoors. My dad use to grow for himself and a friend of his who was sick. Back then I was just a head and didn't understand the medical use of the plant.


My mum thinks:

Im a "no good, junkie, dead leg"

I quit smoking the erb for a few years & she was proud of me
(I only quit cos I was sick of paying good money for shite)

now I grow my own
Im once again the black sheep of the family



Fatboy, sorry about your loss bro. Yup my mom knows. I don't flaunt it in front of her but she's know since 1966. The fall of that year my brother (he was 14 then) got popped for being present where marijauna was kept (an old law) and when the cops called and told my mom, she passed out and then she got back on the phone and asked what marijauna was,lol. After the call she asked me if I smoked so I told her that I did. I thought she'd freak out but all she asked me was what it was like,lol. My 30 yo daughter also smokes and on a recent visit we had a cheech and chong moment. My daughter and I left her husband along with my brother and my mom and the kids downstairs and went upstairs to do some bongs. We got good and blasted and we come back downstairs and everyone was laughing and messing with us. Turns out the baby monitor upstairs was left on and they listened to us getting stoned the whole time. Ahhhhh, family memories!!!
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it looks like i'm in the minority here. there was just never a good time to bring it up. i would have loved to fire up a joint instead of having a glass of wine after christmas dinner.

i always thought my mum was pretty straight laced but she dated a bad boy who, when i got older, told me about him and his friends smoking reefer and hash Windsor Ont. back in the 50's. he was so bad he wasn't allowed in the states for some reason or other. i never did crack that mystery. :)

yeah rude, those baby monitors have busted more people. lol


Fatboy, I've often wondered if older folk don't know a hell of alot more than they are letting on. I was watching Reefer Madness a few weeks ago and I believe that movie was produced around 1938 or so and they were talking about how widespread pot smoking was getting in the high schools so somebody was smoking back then and those people would be close to or over 90 now. I'm sure in the generations that followed herb wasn't unfamiliar to alot of folks either. Those of us who started toking in the 60's sometimes think we were the first generation to discover weed but I have a feeling that we were just the first generation unable to keep our mouths shut about it,lol.


rudestdude said:
Fatboy, I've often wondered if older folk don't know a hell of alot more than they are letting on. I was watching Reefer Madness a few weeks ago and I believe that movie was produced around 1938 or so and they were talking about how widespread pot smoking was getting in the high schools so somebody was smoking back then and those people would be close to or over 90 now. I'm sure in the generations that followed herb wasn't unfamiliar to alot of folks either. Those of us who started toking in the 60's sometimes think we were the first generation to discover weed but I have a feeling that we were just the first generation unable to keep our mouths shut about it,lol.

My dad hung in the jazz clubs, I suppose that would be back in the late 1930's, and that's where he was introduced. Yeah people have been cultivating and using for thousands of years, and this generation of genius leadership is going to the be one that stamps it out.

Haw haw haw...watching the morning news, and now the PC types are after Curious George the monkey...episode where he gets loose in the hospital, and gets blitzed on ether, we can't have that now, can we!
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New member
hehe - Yeah, I actually started growing to see if it would help my mom's medical condition. (It does). I like the benefit of a little extra herb for myself, I'm mainly a recreational smoker. (It helps one of my minor chronic health issues too.) :joint:

Nearly 30 years ago my folks were busting me for smoking... now we grow together. Funny 'ol world ain't it? :crazy:


the craw

yes all my family know I smoke that includes my wife,my 84yr old ma and my 10 kids..........my ma even helped on my first shot at growing in 1969 from some seed my father brought home from mexico............wow that sounds like I'm ancient.......


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
Im not relly an OF but////
Im 23 and my parents have known since I was 8 ,,,, my cousin was a rasta .... ha ha ha I hit the bong and spaced for a while .... didnt even know what it was .... at 12 I was smokin hash ..then skunk a bit later regularly .... I also let them know I grow as I dont really mind them knowing although they dont always agree with me smoking sometimes.....


Cannabrex Formulator
My old man chuffs, and I first chuffed with him and my Mum......I am still gitting stoned with them, but am trying to get him to eat it in Cannabrex cappies instead of smoking it....he smokes too much...


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Yes they know and are cool with it..took them a while. It took years educating them but i think they finally got it :D


Active member
it took a girlfriend of my dad's to realise the benefits of mj, he knows but his new wife doesn't and is against it as far as i can tell.....so only dad visits me anymore.


Pleasant histories

Pleasant histories

My father died when I was 8 y.o. (1968), and I wasn't 'experienced' yet at that age. Started at age 13, and during that time ('72-ish) I can remember my mother protesting loudly that "the hippies had stolen her family and ruined their and her lives!!!"

I grew in my bedroom and outdoors too. She'd try to get me busted.

I moved out at 13, returning briefly, and finally leaving more permanently at 15-16 y.o., moving north. An avid thumb wizzard starting at age 13.

She knew later on better than to try and change that which had bult up great momentum and inertia.

When my brother was hit by a drunk driver about '77-'78, and restricted to a wheel chair for a time, my mother helped to harvest his cannabis plants in her back yard.

I told her then "My, how time can change things." I think that she found a heart that eclipsed the fears of non-conformity.

She died in November of '93, and my brother died on her birthday in August of '94.

There are few secrets in families, even when things aren't openly discussed.


moose eater :wave:

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