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hey cali growers


Captain Expando
Ukiah -- Over some parts of town, the pungent, skunk-like odor of ripening marijuana is unmistakable. The smell is prompting a growing number of residents to hold their noses - and reach for their phones - to complain to Mendocino County air quality officials about the smell of their neighbors' legally sanctioned medical marijuana gardens. "It's becoming a real nuisance problem," said local Air Pollution Control Officer Dean Wolbach.

In some quarters, marijuana is Mendocino County's middle name. Every year, the county ranks among the state's top producers of pot thanks to the staggering volume of illicit weed grown in remote rural regions.

But the commotion over odors from legal marijuana gardens is new. It is the latest flap to erupt over Proposition 215, the 1996 voter-approved measure that legalized the cultivation and personal use of pot for medical reasons. Under county medical marijuana guidelines, a card-carrying pot grower can have up to 25 plants. "In a small area, that number of maturing plants can put out quite a smell," Ukiah Police Capt. Dan Walker noted Monday.

As the pot harvesting season nears its peak, the stink grows stronger. About a dozen odor complaints have been made so far this marijuana growing season, double what was reported last year, Wolbach said. The most gripes are coming from residents in older Ukiah neighborhoods, where back yards are small and neighbors' noses closer.

Not everyone is smelling the problem. District Attorney Norman Vroman on Monday disputed the odor concerns. "I haven't had one complaint about odor problems. I think Mr. Wolbach has too much time on his hands," he said. Vroman said even if Wolbach or other local officials can produce evidence of a mounting odor problems, he doubts he would prosecute. "We have a workable medical marijuana program operating here based on voter-approved Proposition 215," he said. Besides, he said, "I've got much more serious concerns than the stinky smell of pot." Besides clean air issues, Wolbach's office has jurisdiction over obnoxious odors, but how much authority he has to crack down on foul-smelling pot gardens is unclear. "I'm having discussions with the state Air Resources Board on how far my authority extends in this particular area," Wolbach said.

As it is, he said he can issue violations and impose fines in cases considered nuisances. But current regulations don't cover odors from medical marijuana gardens. "I hate to be at the forefront of this, given Mendocino's tolerance of medical marijuana," Wolbach said.

The Mendocino County Sheriff's Office has issued 1,340 cards allowing the cultivation or use of medical marijuana, according to statistics released last year by Sheriff Tony Craver. The cards - the most per capita anywhere on the North Coast - shield marijuana users from local prosecution.

But if the number of odor complaints keep rising, Wolbach said he may seek local regulations to ban medical marijuana gardens from residential neighborhoods. "My office takes no position on the merits of medical marijuana use. That's outside our purview," he said.

But no matter what public sentiments are about medical marijuana, Wolbach said he doesn't believe he or other local officials can ignore the odor complaints. "They're a nuisance, and I think we have to find some way to deal with them," he said.

Note: Residents complaining more to air pollution agency about odor from medical marijuana gardens.

Source: Press Democrat, The (CA)
Author: Mike Geniella, The Press Democrat
oder aroma stench stink call it anything you want but call it wonderful first and foremost,and as a californian it worrys me a great deal.Since Arnold took over as the chief ass kisser in this state his promises of protecting prop 215 have all but been forgotten.......if you live in cali and didn't know this be advised about Arnold...he promised cannabis reform and tolerance in this state if elected which he was one of his first veto's was a canabis bill that would have made prop 215 much more of a reality instead of the nighmare it's slowely becomming.He needs to take a hint from cities like long beach.........police can no longer make a cannabis arrest with out 2 supervisors being presant and even then they aren't very interested in the end user.......eureka...........the county district atty.has informed all city and county law enforcement that the D.A.wolud no longer accept cannabis case's.Emeryville california....city police arrested a grower and confiscated all plants and growing equipment the judge in the case recognized that the police refused to accept his perscription or the prop 215 law.................the judge order the return of ALL confiscated items plants included.....when the emeryville police returned the growers stuff they not only gave him someone else's plants but they claimed that someone broke into the police evidence room and stole his lights.....only his lights.............when the presiding judge was informed of the police depeartments weak ass attempt to deny this citizen his lawful rights the judge fined the city of emeryville for the amount needed to replace the damaged plants and missing equipment this was done out of the city's own funds and the police were issued a warning regarding thier abuse of power...................seems things are starting to go the right way..................................................lets here it for guy's like jack h.his selfless sacrifices will make legalization in america a reality and in our life time too.............karma's great isn't it...........

One eyed Jack Reckem