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Herm from clone but not seed...anyone?


breathe deep
Greetings IC. This is the forum i come to for the real head scratchers.

I have a Casey Jones x Sour Bubble that was grown from seed last round. When grown from seed she threw a few bananas around day 50. She finishes in 60 or less. These late flower male parts were not a concern and also were not many. follow me know..

Two clones were taken from plant and both were flowered the following round. At around day 33 this same strain went absolutely bananas all up and down her. In fact she had a lot on her at day 33 so she clearly started earlier.

I have heard of plants that will hermaphrodite from seed and then will become more stable when grown as a clone. I have not heard of the opposite being true. Anyone ever had a plant from clone be less stable than its seed grow?

There is one more piece of info that may just be the ticket. The plants when grown from clone. the ones that went bananas, were in a particularly cold part of the room. Night time lows were discovered to be 48f. Weather changed around here and a drafty door is the culprit. They're two other strains on the same tray but they appear to be unaffected.

I am hoping the cold is what caused it because i have 10 that have been vegging for some time, and its quality dank(thanks Loudog wherever you are).

Anyone have relevant experience, or even best guesses? Trying to decide what to do with the remaining 10 that are in veg.
Thanks in advance


breathe deep
alright people, i know i been away for a while but show me some LOVE!

At the very least tell me whether you have heard of such a thing happening?


Active member
I think Ive had the opposite happen...
I took a clone from a flowering plant that shortly after showed pistils and balls.
The clone is showing all pistils so far...
Anyway, have you grown out any strains that didnt herm in this room?
Id try and get the temps up to 70-65 at night if I were you though