I got a non alcholol involved DUI back in November of last year,pulled a Tiger Woods before it became popular lol,but it can't be funny no matter how it's expressed,just stupid.Driving on anti anxiety meds,Xanax to be precise,no excuse.2 months in jail because I couldn't get a bail which is a whole different story,really stupid.No trouble at all for over 35 years,not even a misdeamenor goof off.I'm eleigible to get my license back finally,my 6 month conviction was Jan 3rd.Insurance companies are giving me fuckin nightmares.2000 bucks non-refundable for 6 months is about the best deal I can come up with right now.And I don't trust the insurance companies either which is about my worst heartache,fuck giving them a credit card number for a thousand plus just makes me paranoid as fuck.I did it today with dairyland insurance,I just don't trust anyone or anything.And that's just to insure my license,I still have to get a vehicle and when I go to get that,my insurance premium will surely rise when I go to insure a vehicle.I did every single thing I needed to do from community service to dui class and a basic driver instruction course to MADD which will have you feeling guilty as fuck if you have any heart at all..fuck it's been a lot really and I deserved all of it.I'm no kid just a stupid fuckin older guy.God I hope I can get through all this shit and just get my license back now that I've complied to every little thing I don't have a good feeling for one reason or another.I should be celebrating lol..anyone else deal with the SR22 or FR44 insurance debacle?