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Hemp tea?


Well-known member
I found some hemp tea I once purchased. As a tea it tastes horrible to me.
I´d totally forgotten about it until I rediscovered it the other day whilst spring cleaning.

Now, I know there´s no thc in it or at least as good as none but I´m wondering what hemp tea is suppose to be good for?
Is there anything I can do to make `effective´ in any way? Butter extraction etc?

I only got a couple of bags as it was a small box but I don´t want to waste and throw it out because it was kinda pricey

any suggestions or experience with this is stuff is very welcome.


Well-known member
nausea, upset stomach, likely other digestion issue.

mixing it equally with some Chai variation of tea with honey makes it slightly more tolerable.

Best of luck if needed

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