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Help! My light rail is horribly noisy!

Is this normal? My light rail intellidrive just arrived. I installed it in my cabinet and let it run and it makes an awful noise. It is horribly unstealth. Is this par for light movers or is something wrong? Any suggestions?

would that help?
I used powdered graphite and it seems to help. Also, once I hung my cooltube, all was well.

Damn, a cabinet with a 600w in a cooltube and lightmover looks sexy as hell. I just sit and watch it go back and forth and smile thinking about what will be growing underneath as soon as my flood trays arrive.


I got one of these as well but never noticed any noise without weight...mine holds two 600's in a 4ft cooltube...works like a charm...best of luck and cant wait for some pics of this cab..