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help modifying sensor light please


Active member
hey everyone, am hoping someone can help me with this. I scored a dual socket sensor light and I want to run some cool daylight cfl's.

I would like to bypass the sensor part of the circuit obviously so the light is always on. Now I have had a chance to check the light out more closely I am even more pleased with it.

Each socket can be screwed in or out. I can also remove the sensor altogether and screw in a 3rd socket, plus there is space for a 4th right in the middle which just has a gromet in it....so in theory I could get 4 cfl's in this all pointing in different directions... but back to my problem

I dont know how to wire this and rather than risk zapping myself I thought I'd ask the pro's

Here's a diagram of my lamps circuit... I need to know how to bypass the sensor and how to wire it up to a power cord. What wire goes into where?



OG Refugee
Can you label the wires in the diagram or give a color mapping? Something doesn't look right with that pic...


Active member
hey Sandman thanks for stoppin by....reading from some paper in the package. blue is n which I assume is neutral, brown is A which I assume is active or positive. This would also make the red wire positive in this case.

Now I look at it I think red is the "switch". If thats the case then my power cord neutral would connect in the same socket as the sensor neutral. Then my active would connect opposite the sensors' active.

I think that is how that circuit works. So to by pass the sensor I would just disconnect all its wires and run my power cords neutral to the where the sensore used to be and same for active? does that sound right do you think?



OG Refugee
That brown wire on the left is a little confusing in that pic since it doesn't connect to anything...

Assuming this is 120v US wiring, you could just hook up the black wire from your power cord directly to the terminal block where the red wire is and the white wire would connect to the center post.


Active member
MTF-Sandman thanks for that. based on what you have said I have wired up the light and it works nicely.

so if I was going to use the sensor that comes with the light I would wire it up to the power cord like this:

You can see that the sensor is the switch in this circuit with the red wire closing the circuit to the active wires to the light sockets.

but I want to bypass the sensor so the light is always on. This is how I wired the power cord up.

I removed the sensor wires altogether.....and the sensor. Then I wired the Brown to Brown and blue to blue...plug it in.. light comes on....

OR as Sandmand has said for US wiring.... in this instance ...... black would go to brown and white would go to blue.... it could get confusin as I am not on US wiring.... so will leave it there incase peeps get mixed up....check your local standards is all I can offer there..

active to active, neutral to neutral ...I think thats the rule.

thanks again MTF-S


OG Refugee
That first pic should be right if you want to add the sensor back to the circuit. Glad you got it going :D

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