looks like a hobo spider to me bro, just as bad a bite as a brown recluse & many hobo bites are misdiagnosed as brown recluse bites, bad news, kill it.
I'm a wimp when it comes to spiders, I had one in my garage that was as big as a catchers mitt I shit you not. I was in there one day & the hair on my neck stood up, could feel something watching me, I turned around & saw this big hairy mofo like a wolf spider on steroids. went into my house & loaded my .410 shotgun and blasted that fucker to hell.......
Oh man this thread is going to give me nightmares... why did I open it.
Cops I can deal with
Gs with heaters I can deal with
Psycho ex-girlfriends lying I got them pregnant... can deal with that too...
But spiders? ...no... just no...
i've found(and caught) several black widows in my yard the last few months. always take them down the street & toss them out into neighbors yard. you know, the kid that thinks it is funny to shoot headlights on my mower out, & tries to shoot the squirrels on my feeder. same kid thought he was a bad-ass(my daddy is a COKE dealer...) & started stepping out in front of cars in the neighborhood to make them stop until one ol' boy hit him.