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Help! Can my plant grown on sandy soil?

I'm planning to plant some marijuana. I already orderd the seeds(Hawaii x Skunk No.1). But the thing is, I don't know if the soil is capable of helping my plants grow. I live in California so Sun is not a prob. Niether is Any other factor. Water I can deal with but the soil worries me. Theres a lot of plants bushes and trees around. A perfect spot for planting. But will my plants grow in sandy soil?


vs cliqua x3 hey id be worried about the soil holding water and nutes. u might want to try adding some compost to the spot.


as long as theres organic material the job will be right buddy , they love sandy soil cause the roots can penetrate easily , done right you will be very happy ..


Just dig a hole and replace the shitty sandy soil with storebought dirt that will make your plants grow properly. try some foxfarm ocean forrest soil, start your plants indoors and then move them outside once the weather allows...

Good Growin



Yes you can grow in sandy soil, in a matter of fact, a loose soil is quite good for drainage and root growth!

because the plants roots are able to spread out through the soil easily to find water, your rootmass will grow to be very large, very quickly. this is a double edged sword however. the larger your root mass becomes, the more water your plant will drink meaning if there is no water source near by you're going to have to go to your plants every other day, if not every day

this is sort of bad for security. check out a thread entitled "hands free outdoor growing" by badmf, it outlines ways to have an automated grow outdoors.

a good plan would be to use grow bags.

triple layered one with only sandy soil for drainage..bunch of holes in this outer bag, second bag a mix of your soil mix and the sandy soil around 60/40 split, then the bag which the plant rests in fill it full of your soil with just a tad bit of sandy soil in the bottom. poke a bunch of holes in each bag so water can drain down and the roots can grow...to transfer your plants out put them in another bag and carry them on out.

using burlap or jute to cover the bag tops is smart as well



I got a bit carried away, but I'd much rather go overboard than underinform someone!



Active member
^Thats pretty funny.^

vs_cliqua_x3: What kind of plants are growing in the area you want to plant in? If normal or weed type plants are growing in that area, you should be good to go.

Rolando Mota

Active member
Ok, I see now. You did all that bullshit posting so you could play the lottery your second day of being a member here. Can you imagine what the threads would look like if more people started doing that? Loser.


Plant Manager
it happens quite a bit...the staff and the mods do a good job cleaning up the nonsense posts...if you see someone doing this...report it to a mod. click on the little ! that is inside the red triangle below his post count...51 hah.