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Heating greenhouse with exhaust from mini split???

Helllo, i posted this in the outdoor forum because I couldn't post in the greenhouse forum for some reason the other day so sorry for the duplicate post but I felt it belonged here.

I have am in around week 2 of natural light flower in a 40x25'x16' greenhouse. I have 13 65gallon pots full of soil and I also cut the bottom out of the pots and dug 3ft holes under each pot so the roots could grow into the ground. The plants are around 12'x4' and looking very good. I live in portland OR and it will be getting wet and colder very soon. i normally harvest outside in early October. I have dealt with bud rot and stem mold the past could years and want to avoid it at all cost. I am running a dehumidifier in there but I want to keep it heated to avoid condensation so I thought i could use the heat coming from my mini split. I have a grow in my shop using a 36k btu mini split and the exhaust for it is 3 feet from my greenhouse as you can see from the picture. If i could cut a 3'x'3' square into the side of the greenhouse and build a square tunnel to port the exhaust into the greenhouse it would definatly keep it heated since the exhause it nice and warm.

I am worried about the humidty of the exhaust. The mini split acts like a dehumidifier but it exits water from the inside with a tube that runs outside. So I think the exhaust should be just warm air and shouldn't be that humid. The exhaust only comes on when the lights are on so it will only be warm air from 6pm-6am so it won't be heating the greenhouse when it is warm outside (I might have to be careful on hot days from 6pm-8pm since it is still warm at that time but that won't last long). I would love your option to see if this is a good idea. Thanks



Well-known member
Actually I thought about it some more after seeing the pic.. you may run into some problems with tripping the High head pressure switch.. if you put a box around it to send the heat towards the greenhouse it may trap some heat in the outdoor unit causing the safety to trip.. especially if you don't clean that coil
Actually I thought about it some more after seeing the pic.. you may run into some problems with tripping the High head pressure switch.. if you put a box around it to send the heat towards the greenhouse it may trap some heat in the outdoor unit causing the safety to trip.. especially if you don't clean that coil

goog advice, I cleaned the coils up and I should have done so before posting the pic :) I was thinking the same so I thought i could start the tunnel a foot from the exhaust so it would get a lot of the exhaust but not totally enclose the exhaust so it could get overheated. the last thing I would want to do would be to lose my 36k btu mini split. my flower room would become venus!


Well-known member
Yep as long as there is clearance for the heat to escape fully from the unit you should be alright.. do you have a infrared temp gun by chance? If so I would take some readings of ambient temps, and where it exhausts during operation without the hood/ duct system.. then again while the hood/duct is in place during operation to make sure no heat is trapped in the unit

I might even try making the hood/duct system with 2 inch foam board or something cheap and light weight

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