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*HEAT WARNING*(NorCal only)


"It's just a flesh wound"
Fellow NorCal growers, it is forcast to be hot this week, 99 degrees today climbing up to a possible 108 degrees on Saturday!! :yoinks: If you have some stuff going on outside make sure that it has plenty of water, otherwise your babies will curl into a ball and die on you. Anything over 100, if they aren't used to it, can be a shock to their systems. It has been a mild summer so far but it looks like that's over. Good luck all!!

Fast Pine

Active member
Do yall expect loose/airy budds, from tha intense heat?

Im worried bout heat issues outdoor aswell im just a state or two over.. :chin:

Ive noticed that indoors, if my temps are over 85, I get loose nuggs.:mad:

Is it tha same outdoors?


Um....its June dude. We dont get any bud until September. What does that have to do with the heatwave this weekend?


Bakin in da Sun
lol NoCal growers... gl, water them, and they should be fine. we've hit the 100+ in texas multiple times already this season.... fun fun

SS- Im thinking the outdoor temps are affecting the temps of his indoor garden.

Fast Pine

Active member
Spreading Seed said:
Um....its June dude. We dont get any bud until September. What does that have to do with the heatwave this weekend?
Wow...U must really feel like bein a dick 2 day!

I only live 2 states away(same approx climate an lattitude), but am at 7800feet..With tha genetics Ive chosen...I should start flowering it the summer heat.I hope to be harvesting in SEPT! In tha desert, tha temps can soar, all the way up to august...

This is why im askin..



Fast Pine said:
Wow...U must really feel like bein a dick 2 day!

I only live 2 states away(same approx climate an lattitude), but am at 7800feet..With tha genetics Ive chosen...I should start flowering it the summer heat.I hope to be harvesting in SEPT! In tha desert, tha temps can soar, all the way up to august...

This is why im askin..


Yes...you are right. I am being a dick this morning, thats no way to treat a new member- sorry Fastpine. I'm just tired, sore and grumpy and that was no way to treat a new member of icmag. Maybe we need to start over eh?

As far as temps go..
I have found that the plants do well until 90degrees...after that they go "dormant" survival mode if you will. I dont know what hi temps do to the bud cycle.



Don't worry too much. I grow indoor's with temps like up to 105 degree's.Just give em plenty of water and go easy on the feed....some strains like it and grow like crazy even in bud....have a look at mandala seeds...www.mandalaseeds.com also can be found on seedbay and vendor forums right at the bottom.....they can tolerate high temp's like up to 120 degree's with no problems...pretty hard to believe, but it's down to landrace genetic's in their makeup.....apologies for butting in, it's just that I do battle with heat this time of year indoors in a location that get's HOT in summer month's....but it's great in the winter when I can grow what I want.....wittering on cause I shouldn't post while high...........Good luck to you all....Stash

Fast Pine

Active member
Spreading Seed said:
Yes...you are right. I am being a dick this morning, thats no way to treat a new member- sorry Fastpine. I'm just tired, sore and grumpy and that was no way to treat a new member of icmag. Maybe we need to start over eh?

As far as temps go..
I have found that the plants do well until 90degrees...after that they go "dormant" survival mode if you will. I dont know what hi temps do to the bud cycle.

Appology accepted....Im sorry Ive been harsh 2 u as well. Can we be friends?

The Doc.

hahaha, the heat is fucking incredible down here. I live in Texas... the hot part of Texas:D were used to it. I just make sure they have plenty of water, and a little broken shade during the heat of the day.

but damned, 108 is pretty warm;) I didn't know it got that hot in NorCal

The Doc.

Spreading Seed said:
As far as temps go..
I have found that the plants do well until 90degrees...after that they go "dormant" survival mode if you will.

not necesarily true. I grow outdoors and the temps here regularly hit 95+ many times we go a week at a time hitting 100. My plants do fine as long as they have plenty water


"It's just a flesh wound"
The Doc. said:
hahaha, the heat is fucking incredible down here. I live in Texas... the hot part of Texas:D were used to it. I just make sure they have plenty of water, and a little broken shade during the heat of the day.

but damned, 108 is pretty warm;) I didn't know it got that hot in NorCal

It doesn't usually, we have a high pressure system hanging over us. 108 isn't so bad, i heard Redding will hit 110 on Saturday. :yoinks: :yoinks:

we get temps in the 90's mostly.
PS: I'm glad Spreading seed and fast pine burried the hatchet

The Doc.

holy crap. 110 is damned hot for this time of year. were averaging the low 90's right now... I think it's like 85 atm, it's cloudy out hehe. man, July-august is gonna be killer