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Head of AFT supports legalizing pot


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Even the head of the American Federation of Teachers believes marijuana should be legalized. Randy Weingarten recently appeared on Bill Maher's TV show and spoke about her feelings on the matter.

Teachers union boss Randi Weingarten thinks it's high time marijuana is legalized.

Weingarten - head of the American Federation of Teachers and former president of New York's United Federation of Teachers - came out in support of a California proposition to legalize pot for personal use.

"Everything in moderation is pretty much fine," Weingarten said when asked by "Real Time" host Bill Maher whether she'd back the measure.

"Wow," said fellow guest Washington Post editorial writer Jonathan Capehart. "Teacher-approved!"

Weingarten quickly added that she only endorsed pot smoking "if it's legal."

The California initiative, known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act, would allow anyone over 21 to possess 1 oz. of marijuana and grow plants in an area no larger than 25 square feet.

It also allows marijuana to be grown and sold and imposes taxes on production and sales.

Asked by Maher about parents who toke up but don't want their children to, Weingarten said, "When something becomes a forbidden fruit, you have to spend a whole lot of time making sure that, when you say no, people don't think you mean yes."
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Active member
not many jewish leaders/clergy are against grass. lots of liberals of jewish descent, but always exceptions too if you look hard enough...

ATF!! that would be the shit !!!


Active member
clergy of jewish and christian faiths are against pot use.
pot use leads to knowledge and truth.
the ignorant are their best customers.


I love it when a some one like this comes forward in the name of reason. It would make me happy to be a due paying member of the grower's union. Get some steel workers to come out and bolster our picket lines... Yeah that will be the day. Well I'm not really aware of any direct ban on it in the Torah. Why should they care? Also look back 100 years and that community is where a lot of REAL socialist and anarchist literature came from, i.e Emma Goldman.
Am I the only one that is afraid of it being legalized? The small Mom and Pop growers are going to be put out of business! This shit is going to be everywhere. Good luck keeping AgriCorps out of the business.

Look what happened to the small farmers in the midwest. Remember the old rockwell paintings of the Yeoman farmer? They're all but gone. Corporate AgriBiz has made them obsolete. Tell me this is not just the begining of a corporate takeover of the industry. Drive the prices so low that the only person who can make a profit and be more competitive, have higher productivity and can produce product cheaper is the massive Agri-industry. For many 'THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS...IT'S A WAY OF LIFE'.

A 'bushy old grower' who has dedicated his life to learning and perfecting his art is going to go the way of the Alcohol "moonshiner"- just a memory.

PRICES ARE GONNA GO THROUGH THE FLOOR! I know people who make a 'legal' living off of supplying patients. They better get their McDonalds applications filled out.

The 'art'' and the 'culture' of Marijuana is going to be nothing more than a trip to the liquor store...the same as buying a 6 pack of beer...sad.

I say keep it Medical!
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