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have you seen my bug?

i have these little crawlers going around in my mother/soil cabinet, i can not figure out what kind of bug this is, i dont have a picture of it yet, but its slender looking, gets to about a half inch, with six legs i think, two big antennas in the front, and the unique part is a triple tail looking thing, looks like 3 antennas in the back, doesnt seem to be hurting my plants for now, ill try to get pictures soon, but anyone have any idea??


Active member
Sounds like a carpet shark to me ... Earwigs have a split tail (for defense ??? HaHaHaHa) and Silverfish have the triple.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
carpet sharks eh?

good thing I have wood or tile floors


Carpet sharks and silverfish are the same, and that's what it sounds like you have. Even though they're called silverfish they don't always have the silver scales or skin or whatever (I think only the adult ones have it, I'm not positive but I've seen them in my old house in silver, black and almost a dark blue-ish) just fyi.
yea its definitely silverfish, i am going to clean up my mother room, have a lot of dead foliage around, maybe vacuum all the cracks and get all those little critters, thanks for the help all

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