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hash/oil question and pics---

hi to all of you hash smokers
i wanna ask you some things ..i have a small amount of apical bud (7-10 gram)
thath have been infested by mould..i dont now waht to do with that..
in the beggining i was motivated to constructe my self a BhO xtractor but now im asking me if isn t too dangerouse to smoke the resin with the butane inside of it...what do you think?i mean do you now some other cheapest or safiest way to extract somethings?
i read about some other teqhniche ..i dont remember the name..
anyway the few time thath i extract some hash i always use the alccol pure metod ..thath consist to shake the freeze weed with 97%pure alchhol for about 2-3 minutes..and then filter all and make evaporate on electric plane...only that the last time i was unsuctisfide by the product..i mean the taste was ok even the relax only that affter 5 pipecokc of thath oil-hash it was the same thath after one..in less word wont give me soo much like stone..i just feel relax..
is that right? and most important is that more dangerous for my lunge?i mean the method that i v tried -----
sorry for my bad bad english hope you can give me some answer it will be aprreciated..thanks !!
anty babylon
here the hash-oil done with alchool

:joint: :joint:
ti filter i use large metal stuff that you use to coock i mean the tipical kitchen stuff...
i have also a 114 micron or less screen thath i have bought some time ago..can i use it i mean the screen is plastic ..doesn alcool melt it down?
iv tried with the coffe filter but the result is'nt too much..and isn't soo well..i have like the feeling thath a lot of thc was intrapted(?) in the filter..i dont now..what is your qwiso style? i think thath once i have a look to him and if i dont gget wrong you use isoprophanole..thath here in italy isn't so easy to find it...