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Hash honey butane method video


you shouldnt be making hash if you dont have much to work with that's all i can say, you'd be wasting your buds for only that much? I'd say you would probably get a more stone per trim off baked goods if you make some cooking oil or butter. fine hash is pressed.


honey oil addict
that video is lame man. mediocre technique at best. most shun pvc, and most dont use crap to make their oil. nicer input product NOT ground up fine is much better. not ground up hardly at all makes the clearest tastiest oil. those guys shuolda made brownies with that green powder and choked on those intstead... :D


New member
Hashmasta-Kut said:
that video is lame man. mediocre technique at best. most shun pvc, and most dont use crap to make their oil. nicer input product NOT ground up fine is much better. not ground up hardly at all makes the clearest tastiest oil. those guys shuolda made brownies with that green powder and choked on those intstead... :D

your names hash masta for a reason!!! what do you think of this contraption?



that is the grimmiest way you can make BHO

But still a very fine production

1) shitty product to start with
2) ground up too much, all it needs is a few snips with the fisker, just no big bud chunks and u are cool, even stems and fan leaves are chill. throw all the shitty weed in there (if you using scraps) save the A+ stuff for a better batch or use it for dry keif, I use the good trim for CWE or dry seive and the shitty stuff for the BHO. My BHO is good even with the gutter trash clippings, lol.
3) PVC is no no
4) that butane is diiirrrty (VECTOR brand butane only, fuck everything else, period end of story) very important. makes purge easier, better
6) he didnt even purge anything...ouch, that was probably real smooth stuff

I would of still smoked it though if I didnt have the kind, lol. I think BHO gives you just as much bang for the buck as cannabutter/oil. BHO is very concetrated and stupifying :joint: peace_highst :joint:
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