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Harvest Fest?


Active member
I know a bunch of Farmers are going.... what about people from IC? I know the cup is winner takes all, so there's quite an incentive. Any thoughts?


Registered User
Buddy of mine txt'd a link...


Guess they r havin a glu on glu contest as well... don't know if its addition to a main cup or not...? Know a lot of us have her, so this makes out as an interesting contest... same baseline genetics, grower vs grower, put up or...? Lol... kind of isolates it down to the grower's skill, dont think any other contest out there does such a thing. Shout out to josey for the glue :-D

But yeah, anyone got more info?


Well-known member
I noticed there wasn't much info on there facebook, searching the web didn't come up with anything. Haven't found much outside of the michigan forum here and one other site..

Still looking for a GG cut, I missed my chance the first time. I really like the idea of a same strain grow off, sounds like it could really show who stands out and why.



Well-known member

Found it..

Not far at all, I may be able to make that.


Active member
sorry, that JOKE of a fest was over in Sept. they didn't even secure permits for the original spot and got chased out by the POLICE!, then moved to an even WORSE spot in Oakland county. I drove 2hrs to find a shitty ass note on the gate saying it was moved. what a waste of 60.00 in gas and 3 hrs of my valuable time. many many others share my viewpoint.

the harvest fest is being held up north (traverse city area or surrounding area). for more info, go to the "other" (riu) website, then look in the Mi section. its being put on by local Mi growers, and have secured a few great spencer's for the event.


Active member
The MOCC event was in September, already came and went

The Halloween and harvest cup I mentioned is 10/31 in Birch Run. Camping, pig roast, music, vendors of all sorts, flowers/concentrate/edible competition, etc...

The Marty Engelhardt Memorial Park
11293 block rd
Birch Run mi 48415.....


Ftwendy n Demon got it !!

First annual. First of its kind I think.

Medicated Acres from upper michigan are sponsors. Caregivers from all over are helping.
I've donated. Should b a blast


Well-known member
I have just bought a farm in the TC area, I want to contribute to the community!

EDIT: Just actually read, it is in Birch run, 10/31-11/2.


Rumor has it that CBD tincture submitted set a record high for Iron Labs..

Thanks and kudos have to go out to IC member Huel Perkins for finding and passing out the "Perkins Cut" of Cannatonic
I expect another win for her.


Registered User
^^^ hear that. It would be nice to better notice on events... seems like many of the other ones pop up advertised w/o adequate lead times, so its iffy as to who is ready. Set this one as holloween each year & lock it in. Everyone has plenty of time.


Active member
I'm down for the contest. I have a MEGA C Vault full of GG4 been curring for 3 weeks. Check out pics in the Michigan Flowers thread


The glue competition is Saturday samples accepted until gates open to the public.
Judges are being selected from patrons by our Michigan 420 Nurses.

The best glue that was tested looks to have come from an IC member. Go figure :)