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Happle (Hash Apple) by errlectric_dave


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In the last year, a new hash smoking device appeared up here in legal land – the Hash Kettle. I will let @subrob talk about that because I know he has one that he has been hitting awfully hard lately. It’s cheaper cousin is the Happle by glassmake errlectric_dave.

Here is a Happle with a hash rope smoldering.


The science . . .

It is bottle toking with a twist. You rope a piece of hash. Medium grade hash is best because melty bubble hash will not smolder properly. Suspend the rope on the center glass piece and ignite it. The kettle has a loop and the Happle has a U channel to stick it to. Put this in the glass body and when the smoke builds up, you suck it out. And you get really high. :rasta:
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Errlectric Dave...I think his page put up a reel or story of the kettle, which is how I found it. These look fantastic too. Will probably pick one up, just to add to my collection and support a hash artist.


Well-known member
Cheaper is cheaper but more impressed with the Kettle tbh. You can take off the top and put a bit of hash on a pin in there just like with a drinking glass, it looks like? But have the mouthpiece... This one you hang the hash with a rope? Ok..


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you hang the hash with a rope?
No. You make a hash rope with both. With the kettle you hang the rope on the J hook. The happle has a U in the action part of the apple stem. You smush the rope at the start of the U channel, light and insert the stem into the top hole. It is not hard and even when you get seriously baked you can still operate it efficiently.


Well-known member
No. You make a hash rope with both. With the kettle you hang the rope on the J hook. The happle has a U in the action part of the apple stem. You smush the rope at the start of the U channel, light and insert the stem into the top hole. It is not hard and even when you get seriously baked you can still operate it efficiently.
Oh I see, maybe you still could, unless it's too small to get to the bottom.. lol maybe I would just prefer a glass teapot. Something like this



Well-known member
Is it hemp wick in both and does it smell like a candle when lit, the hemp wick or whatever you atach Hash to ?

I loved the idea of Hemp wick, but when tried it i could smell the Candle wax smell and that put me off.

I not tried Hemp wick for years so hopefully they got 1 that doesnt have that candle wax smell these days
In the last year, a new hash smoking device appeared up here in legal land – the Hash Kettle. I will let @subrob talk about that because I know he has one that he has been hitting awfully hard lately. It’s cheaper cousin is the Happle by glassmake errlectric_dave.

Here is a Happle with a hash rope smoldering.

View attachment 18796082

The science . . .

It is bottle toking with a twist. You rope a piece of hash. Medium grade hash is best because melty bubble hash will not smolder properly. Suspend the rope on the center glass piece and ignite it. The kettle has a loop and the Happle has a U channel to stick it to. Put this in the glass body and when the smoke builds up, you suck it out. And you get really high. :rasta:
totally love this idea it's the evolution of candle, a tooth stick w hash on it under a glass
definitely love this