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Hamstrings 2008 Grow


Well-known member
Thanks SB
The BBxNL wouldn’t be there if you hadn't suggested them. I keep learning more each year with OJT (On the Job Training) and help from old hands like you.

Next couple of weeks will check on 2 more plots to see how things fared. The thing that excites me about the next two plots is first is they are both in new locations and second that the # of plants could be expanded so much. Have to start with a few plants to get an idea of security, critters and overall soil conditions first.


Good one Hamstring.....Say, Im growing the atomic BlueberryxNorthern Lights too..Heard alot of good things about her..She's a September finnisher right?

Things are looking great. Some of those ladies are getting friggin large!! Hope your year is goin well my friend.


Well-known member
You old dog it's great to have you back doing some posting great to have your experience here.

BBxNL we will have to compare some notes hope the life outside of growing is going well too I know you had a busy schedule this year but its great to hear you are going to have a grow thread. Bro I really learned a lot from our discussions on, after the harvest.



Well-known member
Here are some new pics. I was surprised to see what the last two weeks had brought. All plants have seen a 2ft growth increase in two weeks. I noticed the same last year that you get the largest growth spurt in the last 2 weeks of July. They have filled out also. The two strains in the pics AK99XFL and BBXNL both have not started to flower yet.

BBXNL most are closing in on 6ft tall and branching out nicely.

AK99 XFL around 3.5 ft tall planted June 15th


Well-known member
I went to my second spot to find complete destruction. As you can see quite a difference in the pics from two weeks ago to today. These plants were all growing in 5ft tall grass and as you can see now it is less than 6 inches tall.

Cattle caused the destruction. I have grown in this spot for 3 years but the farmer rotated his heard this year. I hold no animosity to the farmer or cows because this land would not even be here if it were not useful to the farmer. Just disappointed because two weeks ago I had 7 of 10 plants left counting on 3-4 females at 1/4lb each. Don’t count the MJ before its harvested.

Two weeks ago in 5 ft tall grass.

Today, Doesnt even look like the same site. What a shame!!

Lone solider left broken up but holding his post. Not for long the cattle will be back looking for shade. there is a tree near by.


Aint that the way it goes? The lone ranger looks like it might regenerate if they leave it alone.

This is the week for it I guess. I had 4 plants in 2 different spots and checked on them yesterday morning and 3 were broken over and dead. They were 5'. I had to mark almost a lb off of my proposed harvest. I had 2 Manitoba Madness females and a big dead tree fell on them. 70 days and counting until the seasons finished. Most of it's behind us know. Let's keep our fingers crossed.


ps. the BBxnl looks great. I have one pheno that has fairly thin leaves for a mostly indica. Any different pheno's?
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BBxNL will end up as a monster :smile:

Sorry to hear about your second spot...sad sad



Well-known member
Your are right about that’s the way it goes. I have been around long enough to expect the worst each time I arrive at a spot. I really had a feeling on this one because I saw all the activity from the farmer and knew something was going on but it’s hard to give up a good spot. I will have to wait a few years for him to rotate the herd again.

As far as different phenos on the BBXNL I haven’t noticed any but really like the growth spurt.

Thanks for stopping in the BBXNL is getting big hope to have some good females and males as I want to make some seed stock of this one.
I would have expected the AK99XFL to be flowering with an expected finish date of 3rd week in September so I am wondering but new strain to me so we will have to see.


Well-known member
Update time I guess at least for one plot. Pictures are shitty again I arrived late and the sun was rising and could not get good shots for the life of me. I need photography 101.

I like to hear form Silver Back and Fast Pine or any one else growing BBXNL this year. My plants are huge but not flowering as of today. Even the males have not gone into flowering. As you will see every plant is lying down we had rain and wind. I see this every year as the plants get big and the ground gets moisture they all fall over. I don’t mind saves me the time from tying them over.

These are some of my largest females well over 6 ft tall. Everyone got a good spray of Sevin and Green Cure. Man they sure look like 3/4 -1 lb but we will see.

Here is group shot of a few they are all laying down on the ground or close to it.

The last shitty pic is of two female AK99XFL form Jaysprout and they are in full flower and I removed two nice size males. They are not very big in stature cant wait to see how the produce.



Well-known member
Saw one of my other plots and they are well into flowering.

If you have never grown any of Greens gear I highly recommend it. Take a look at these footballs on sticks. Still have two more weeks to finish and they are dense.

This next pic is of Jaysprouts AK99XFL. Full flower also. Breeder Brad says they will finish by Sept 15-17th and I believe that for sure. I have around 6 of these girls and they are all 5 ft tall and in full flower.

Skinny leaves so I am guessing some sativa influence.



Well-known member
Well start off by saying I harvested my 3 GG's and will give an update after a smoke test.

These first pics are of Jay Sprouts AK99XFL. These are real nice plants all them 5 feet or over and you can see a large variance in flowering time just like Jay said there would be. The first one looks it will be done by Sept. 15th the other two by Oct 1st.

I really wish this would have been a better pic because this is a 6 footer that fell over and now all the branches are reaching for the sky. It will be my biggest AK99XFL and hopefully a big producer of fruity buds.

You can see the difference in flowering on this one compared to the first pic. I think Oct 1st or a little earlier.

Here are some shots of the BBXNL which I am hoping will finish by Oct15th. One things for sure these are monster trees. I measured my ball cap and it is 11 inches long. These girls are over 7ft and 6ft in diameter.

The last two picks are of two kidnapped BBXFL males ones a little earlier than the other hope to use it to produce some earlier plants. I hope they like sharing their new home with the locals.



Active member
Hamstring..Very nice..Good call on the Dr Atomic BB x Nl.I have heard good things about that one.Please include a smoke report :). Best wishes for a great harvest and congrats on surviving the floods..
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Well-known member

First off all credit for this find goes to SilverBack as he put me on to this gear. You can find this where I got mine right here at seed boutique. I am just hoping it finishes in time. My first time growing Silverback has some good grow experience on this one.

Breeder : Dr. Atomic
Flowering Time : 7-8 weeks / mid to late Sept.
Environment : Indoor/Outdoor
Seeds Per Pack : 10

This back cross is 75% NL and 25% Blueberry. The Blueberry gives this cross a more complex high, as well as a wonderful "berry" aroma. Big yielder.
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Well-known member

Been close to 8-9 years since I have been ripped but they got me this year. 13 girls ( 7ft NLXBB 2-3inch diameter stems), easy to see when they have been sawed down.

I had my doubts about this spot, very easy access off railroad tracks. I was looking to expand throw 4-5 girls in here but I was forced by crazy Midwest weather out of my normal spots and had to put in 15 plants in here. Luckily I had 3 other locations but this was the "money shot" as they say in MJ porn.

Its funny I saw what seemed to be a human trail early on but beaver are in this location so I was hoping but I was right the first time. I managed to harvest just enough left behind to get a smoke test of some immature BBXNL but I know for a fact they harvested all immature bud except the one AK99XFL I had yet to harvest which was my intent today.

I guess when you are a ripper most of your bud is immature I hope they enjoy it someone should.

Well I have smoke for the year and 2 other BBXNL girls at another location. Man, I never and I mean never pick spots like this but when every thing else is under water your forced to make some sketchy decisions. Not going to second guess myself because I had few choices this year.

If I bring in 3lbs this year it will be pure luck one of the worst seasons yet for me but looking forward to next year. I love being a Guerrilla its in the blood.

Wish everyone good luck with harvest.



I feel your pain man. But at least you were smart enough to hedge your bet a little. Good luck,and Karma next year!

Hindu Killer

Active member
So Dr Atomics .....BBxNL looks like a nice OD plant. However its certainly not Finishing when qouted....Sept you mentioned mid Oct..thoughts on this??

And very sorry to hear about the loss. I ve lost about 12 at one site......inmature aswell, matter of fact Id just hit them with Potash, so Im sure its cough you out harsh! Enjoy it rippers may you be impotent! :jump:
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hamstring, I feel for you buddy. Sorry, good for nothing deadbeat trash. Too sorry and lazy to get out and grow their own so the trash steals yours.

I hope you had another location with a few emergency plants. It something all grower must do. Better get the Metal halides fired up.

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