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h&g bud xl and top boost.


About two weeks into flower so I went to the grow shop today and picked up some bud xl. Got looking at it and it is .4-0-.2 dosent seem like much. I have the top booster also wich is a 13-14 but it is only used for 3 to for waterings. Is bud xl a carb loader aswell or is it a rip off. I have also thought about using the top booster for a longer period is that a bad idea?:1help:


When I made the siwtch to H&G from Canna, I bought the Top Booster and the Bud XL without thinking because I thought it was all good. I read the backs of the bottles of the Multizym and the Bud XL like 2 weeks ago, they both look like they have exactly the same stuff just different packaging, I could be wrong tho but thats what I saw on the label. It also looks like there is not much in it. I didnt see much difference when I used them, I read on another thread that Pico came to the same conclusion.

This run I'm using the Bud XL along with GH FloraBlend,the plants look like they like it.On my next run I'll be using Bio Bizz Top Max. I've heard much better things about it. I used it once with the Canna line and I liked the results.

I use the Top Booster starting week 4 at half strenght and the full on the 5th week.
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If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
I had been looking for an enhancer for late flowering to add to Lucas for a while now. i'm trying the Bud XL on my Soil grow with GH Lucas as a test this run. Just watered them for the first time with it this Sat so no conclusions yet. But i will know soon if i like it or not.
After that i might go for the Top Max.

Who knows, maybe someday i will use soil nutes on my soil grow? :noway:


I tried to run the h&g to the nutz but with mixin the a and b there really isnt much difference between veg and flower nutes. actually my flower and veg are pretty much getting the same shit. every thing seens healthy but with a chem system you expect a big npk change light turn. H&G does not give you this The have side by side plant in the shop and H&G beats fox farm, organics and bc lines but this is veggies. My plantws seem to respond well to the nutes but i havent taken them all the way through flower yet.


House&Garden Does give you a big NPK change.

If you look at the feeding schedule for H&G the PK boost comes from your Top Booster which adds 0-8-7 to your flowering phase for 1 week (Look at their feeding schedule found here: http://pgsgrow.com/blog/2009/09/15/r...n-feed-charts/)

I use the Top Booster at 1/2 strength during week 4.

After that H&G uses Shooting powder which is 0-42-27. Another huge PK Boost to your normal NPK just using the A/B. If the Shooting Powder is a little to much $$$ then I'd go for FF Beastie Bloomz that is 0-50-30, which is pretty close to the Shooting Powder in terms of NPK ratio. Or you can keep using the Top Booster after week 5, but be careful not to burn your plants.

Canna Pk 13/14 had on their instructions to only use for three waterings if I remember right, but from what I've read they have actually changed that as well. Now they recommend a dose @ week 3, if I recall correctly. Maybe someone who uses Canna right now can chime in on that. I use to use all Canna products before I switched to H&G.

Hope thats what you were looking for.


Now they recommend a dose @ week 3, if I recall correctly. Maybe someone who uses Canna right now can chime in on that. I use to use all Canna products before I switched to H&G.
Yea buddy your right they only call for it during week three. I never got why though, using one nutrient for just one week during flower.....Doesnt seem enough?? Im honestly not sure what the PK 13/14 does exactly could someone help me out??

I am going to start a new run today with canna. I am using cocos A and B, rizo, PK 13/14, some H & G algen extract for veg, silica blast and cal mag from botanicare. Could anyone give me some good dosages to start with in veg?? I was thinking 10ml A and B?? Does that dose rise you go further into flower like H & G nutrient line does?? Thanks big time.

cali mike

Nutrients are only half the story

Nutrients are only half the story

I couldnt help but notice your discussion on the House and Garden products was only about the nutrient levels of the products, ie N, P, and K levels. The real strength of the H and G additives is the Plant Growth Regulators they have in there. These are like powerful plant signals that tell the plant what to do way beyond what nutrient levels can do alone.

Ive used the H and G additives with Botanicare CNS17 as a base nutrient and have really liked the results so far, although it still needs fine tuning of course. The Bud XL is a PGR that is supposed to transfer the sugars from the leaves to the flowers, and the Shooting Powder sends the plant into a second round of flower production. The the Bud XL has put significant weight on strains that were very low yeilders before, and on high yeilders its insane- beware of bud rot when you get the softball size cluster.

H and G's real strength is in the Shooting Powder. This stuff is crazy- your plant can be done flowering and you add this and you get another layer of fruit! Its crazy. They tell you to use it like that- in the last 3 weeks, but Ive been experimenting using it in week 5 and 6 to get even ripening and it still makes the plant put out all kinds of flowers- i believe some people call them foxtails.

Ive been looking at the yelow bottles lately- they not only use the PGRs but unlike H and G they actually tell you the names of the PGRs that they put in there! And if your interested in being economical, many of these chemicals are available on the internet thru research supply houses at much cheaper prices....
I was just having a pretty extensive talk with the guys down at the Santa Cruz hydro store (my local store) where a lot of the guys have been handwatering coco with H&G/Canna nutrients primarily. Some of the guys swear that using H&G base nutes with Roots Exclerator (or rhizo), Cannazyme, and PK 13/14 works wonders and there is no need for any kind of other boos. One of them also convinced me that running Atami's Bloombastic as the one boost in your whole grow with just base coco a + b has given them better yields than they've ever seen. Although it seems that the additives are nice, its often expensive and unnecessary for your buds. The shooting powder is something that a lot of them say can ruin or make your crop...I was recommended to use some kind top hardener like gravity and a simple boost like pk 13/14 as opposed to the h&g line.

Considering I'm about to do my first coco flower run I will most likely K.I.S.S. and just use H&G base, cannazyme, pk 13/14, calmag, and maybe a little bit of gravity at some point. Next run I plan on doing a side by side with h&g base + canna's pk 13/14 vs. h&g base + the h&g boosts (bud xl, top booster, shooting powder), so I'll let you know how that goes.


i use the whole h&g line, and for my 55-60 day strain, i run the top booster days 18-21, and run the shooting powder at 1 packet for week 5, then 2 packets week 6 & 7... works great for me. i also believe that the additives work, as someone said the enzyme and bud xl have the pgr's and thats where the good results come from, not the npk.

its impossible to say this line or that line, this regimen or that regimen is "the best." obviously the key is knowing your strain(s), setup, environment, etc, and then getting it dialed. timing of some of these products is very important. what works for one person or one strain may not be optimal for another; what someone says is the "best yields they've ever seen" might not be nearly as impressive to someone else, its all relative.

Seed Buyer

I have been running the complete H&G program against just Aqua Flakes A & B w/ Bloombastic and the latter is giving way better and frostier yields plus it is cheaper. I am sold on the Bloombastic!
Thanks for that response! I was given two 60 ML samples of the bloombastic by my hydro store that I'm pretty excited to use on some of my bitches as a side by side comparison to the PK 13/14 I'll be running.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I couldnt help but notice your discussion on the House and Garden products was only about the nutrient levels of the products, ie N, P, and K levels. The real strength of the H and G additives is the Plant Growth Regulators they have in there. These are like powerful plant signals that tell the plant what to do way beyond what nutrient levels can do alone.​

im pretty sure there are no pgr's in the H@G line. otherwise, it wouldn't be for sale in california. thats why there no more phosphoload around here, banned in cali for the pgr's, along with some other nutrients i cant remember off the top of my head.

i use the whole line, i dont care if you use this for 1 week and this for 2 weeks, all i know is that ive used damn near every nutrient on the market side by side, H@G slams!

i also switched out the shooting powder for bloombastic. i can attest that the shine with the bloombastic is much more pronounced. but, i have to achieve the weight i get with the shooting powder.


Good info. How long do you guys let the res sit for between adding a and b componets? Do you adjust ph prior to adding suplements.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i go by the instructions exactly like it says. ph after A@B, then add everything else. :woohoo:


I was waiting for someone to start mentioning Atami's Bloombastic, if you want the best, most explosive, sugary, fat nugs you have ever seen, try that stuff!! I use B'cuzz bloom & ONLY bloombastic all the way through the flowering phase & it blows doors on everything else I have used, including H&G, GH, FF, canna etc....pricey, yes but worth every single penny & more!


im pretty sure there are no pgr's in the H@G line. otherwise, it wouldn't be for sale in california. thats why there no more phosphoload around here, banned in cali for the pgr's, along with some other nutrients i cant remember off the top of my head.

I was thinking the samething, but I was not sure. Just like Dongle said just an enzyme in the BudXL.

Seed Buyer

Yo dutchcrunch.....the Bloombastic already has the Bcuzz bloom (pink label) in it so save your money and just use the Bloombastic.


ICMag Donor
Bud XL's label says to apply it in the 6th week of flower. I misunderstood and used it in the 6th week of growth (2nd week of flower). The strain was white rhino, and the bud xl really tweaked the plants- lots of mutated leaves, and it looked like they were reversing sex. This product must have some powerful hormones. I used it this last grow on some outdoor super skunk, 3 consecutive waterings in the 6th week. You can tell that it does pull sugar from the leaves, as they turn yellow and begin to die. The buds get huge, but there's an increased risk of mold if the dead leaves aren't removed right away.