Yea you could use that mix.. I'm not 100% on that manure.. I've never heard of anybody using it.. You can't get Coco?? Try that manure tho and see how it turns out.. Manure is a good substrate but Coco is just as good and can easily be gotten at PetSmart... Is that manure the only substrate available to you?? Or are you just using it because you heard somebody say that manure grows the best mushrooms.. To be honest the only good thing about m anure is the price, when it's free.. But if you are going out and purchasing something pick up some Coco Coir blocks instead.. But if all you can find is that manure give it a try..
About your strains question... Can you re-word that I can't make it out.. If your asking for a strain to use I'm saying that it doesn't really matter when using Cubensis.. They are all the same, there really is no such thing as "strains".. If you want specific characteristics yoiu will need to isolate them..
nearest pet smart is a round trip of 2 hours... or any pet store for that matter, anything needed for my cats or rabbits is mainly walmart ... i live pretty much away from every major or important place, pretty much mayberry here