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Growing outdoors in Alaska!!???


Registered Medical Patient
Hello all, good to have IC back, I have felt a big hole since its been gone. Anyhow, Im in SE Alaska for the summer and would like to pop some beans here. What am I up against. The sun always shines bright here, and everything grows HUGE!!!!Can I pull off a crop in 4 months??? Is that enuf time??? What do you all think....


I am interested in this too... merely out of curiosity... isn`t the daylight period too long up there during the 'days of the mid-night sun'? Or do you have propper hours for flowering? Either who, best of luck and good luck growing monsters!

peace halfdef


you can easily get a crop off especially if you grow an indica.. get your beans going now htough inside ..


You will need to modify the light cycle in SE Alaska. By the time the plant is going to naturally bud, it is getting too wet out and you will get bud rot. Make a greenhouse out of PVC and cover it with black plastic after 12 hours of light, then uncover 12 hours later. You can also build a trench and move your plants in to in the evening and cover.

I have had a great harvest in SE with this method.

If you just put them outside and let nature take care of it, I would advise finishing flowering indoors. Unless it is an unusually dry fall they will rot.

Good luck.


i would maybe try a lowryder hybrid, mdanzig makes a couple of great ones.

- ezra -

yep - one of the few times that lowrider or a ruderalis hybrid might be the best option.

Le Grow

New member
Hi, I live in Canada and I can tell you the very best strains for cold weather outdoor growing is Freeze-Land or Afghani.

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