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Growing outdoors during flowering season


Ok, I don't know how many people in this part of the forum are into indoor as well, but if you are then you've seen people use completely 12/12 light schedules and get decent harvests. Generally I see people using it to keep sativas manageable indoors. What I'm curious about is if we can apply this same principle to outdoor growing (along with autoflowering plants as well) to allow year round outdoor harvests, without an indoor veg period. Does anyone do this, has anyone in the past? What areas have suitable climates in the US for year round outdoor growing? I look forward to everyone's thoughts on this subject with great interest. Good luck everyone and stay safe.


Joint Date: Today.
im doing a test grow. today 1 august ill drop some beans of Outsider and see what happens from now to november...

ill keep you guys updated..



Fast Pine: After doing a bit of climate reasearch I'm thinking you could find places to grow outdoors in all the southernmost states year round. This would Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. There's a few select areas where you might get away with it slightly north of that, but not many.

WAMEN: I'm a bit too far north to grow from about Nov - Feb, but I look forward to hearing how things turn out for you. I'm still very interested in this subject even though I can't yet participate, it fits into my fututre plans.

Fast Pine

Active member
Im no expert when it comes to this issue, But I do know that altitude has alot to do with seasonal temperatures..Especialy first and last frost...Which is the determining factor in weathr ya can have plants outside all year long..

I think the key would be to fing something tropical..New Mexico an Arizona are desert's. And Just to put things into perspective...I live in one of the states you mentioned....An I have a 4 month grow season ...Just due to altitude..

Hit up that dude stoner133 hell help you ALOT!!

Peace. :wave:
we and our esteemed associates have been growing outdoor year round for a long time in two of the states mentioned in this thread. in the warmer spots we get a second pull off the main crop plants in december that is always deep purple in colour and is some years slightly frost damaged. That 2nd harvest is never as nice as the main one. we also plant in fall for a whimpy january harvest of fresh bud; then replant for a very nice late may early june load of buds. neither of these harvests come close to comparing- in weight or quality-to the main fall outdoor harvest. some years it just aint happening and we get frozen or get bud rot on the off season crops. but the main fall harvest still comes through. for breeding purposes, year-round is very usefull.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
i grow every winter i can here in socal. its never ever snowy, maybe a bit of rain but a small greenhouse can fix that up real quick. the nugs arent as big but there just as potent and they color well too.


Fast Pine: I was only meaning that all those states have areas in them where it could be done, not that every part would be suitable. I took into account average rainfall and temp throughout each month of the year in several regions to come to this conclusion.

JJScorpio: Will it stop flowering and just die with that little light or what?

lester gas: It's nice to here someone's been doing this, makes me feel not so crazy for thinking about it. I understand that those harvests are obviously not going to be anywhere near as good as the wonderful fall harvest, but as long as they will provide smokeable bud and/or suitable seed then it can be worth it I think.


Active member
here's a young seedling i started about 3 week's ago.. it's next to an abused male. i put a new plant in the hole as soon as i realised the plant curently in there wasnt going to pull anything. i look forward to seeing how large it get's since flowering time is a short time away.
hopefully it's a girl too.



JJScorpio: Ah, I didn't realize that was all you meant, you made it sound much graver. I already expect that this process will give lower yields during the off season growing. lester gas' post shows that this is of course the case, but it also shows that someone is doing this and having enough success without to warrant continuing with the process.

sm0kateer4204: That male is a bit scary looking, good luck with the females though, may they bring many hours of relief/joy.


Active member
yeah, the male is pretty mangled looking now to say the least. but he used to be a nice looking plant. notice the seedling beside him is the one now in the ground.




I have another perspective to add. In equatorial regions indicas essentially auto-flower. Due to the photoperiod alwasy remaining near a 12-12 (only swinging up to around 13 1/2 -10 1/2 at the height of summer). Tropical growers often refer to these grows as 'short season' or '60 day wonders' in comparison to the sativa grows which take much, much longer.

As far as yeilds go... if you start seeds out in a photoperiod condusive to flowering you should see about a quarter to a half elbow from a vigorous plant. For every two weeks that the plant is vegged indoors before being put out the yields will double... or that is what I have been told, I have never done this.. but have friends who have.

Another idea is that you can always cheat a little if you do contaienr grows. This requires living near where you grow, and being able to take the plants out and in at the start and end of the day... but this will allow you a few more weeks to beef-up and mature. The cooler day time temps will make the plants go crazy with resin production, just don`t confuse the plants by putting them in a room with normal room temp at night... that might stress them.

Also, I agree with Fast Pine, Stoner133 knows a ton about 'off-season' growing! I was always stunned to see how well he did during the spring season.

peace halfdef

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