Well, my mother always said, "If it aint broke, dont fix it". I have my way of growing, and everyone else has their way. When it comes to my setup, Im a simple man. 125w fluoro germinating, 400w MH veg., 400w HPS flower. I go from 4" pots to final transplant into 4 gal. pots. I use 100% all organic ferts (i.e. FoxFarm Ocean Forrest Potting Soil, Earth Juice Grow & Bloom and a special Red Seabird Guano for a "bud booster") for my grows. Now, I get great results from my simple setup, but usually later in the grow (normally mid-flower), I run into pH probs which are fairly simple to fix. I would just like to get an idea on how you greenthumbs prefer to grow, whether it be hydro or soil, chem. or organic. Im thinking of changing my grow setup a little to get the best possible results that I can. I see that D.G. transplants, what, like three times? Plus, there are ppl out there that uses multiple combonations of ferts, with great success! Im not saying anyones is better, I just want to get an idea of what I can change to maximize results. Im a firm believer of quality over quanity, but like I said, just trying to get ideas. Thanks everyone who contributes!! Much luv to all!! L.V.
P.S.----As far as ferts go, what type of feeding cycle/shcedule do you use?
P.S.----As far as ferts go, what type of feeding cycle/shcedule do you use?