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GRO-OP:Purple Kush,AK-47,Hindu-Skunk, and SCHROM



I got a 270 watt sun system + just implemented 50 microwatt uvb floro bulb,
running DWC for 6 plants, (2)PK, AK47, (2)HS, SCHROM, bought all as clones in L.A. I'm using fish water as my fertilizer and rockwool as my medium. I vegged the plants about a week, and have been in flowering for 10 days. All the plants are very healthy without any additives.
I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Lava Surfer


You will most likely find that you need to add a bit of P and a few other nutes late in flower, aquaponics is really interresting but quite hard to meet the plants demands in middle of flower!

Looking forward to see the pics!


GRO-OP:purple Kush,AK-47,Hindu-Skunk, and SCHROM

11th day flowering:


Front Left-Purple Kush:

Middle Left-SCHROM:

Back Left-Purple Kush:

Back Right-AK47:

Middle Right-Hindu Skunk:

Front Right-Hindu Skunk:

What I really need is some african strains... :joint:


20th Day Flowering

20th Day Flowering

20th day flowering and the buds are startin to come along nice...

Shorter Purple Kush-


Taller Purple Kush-


Full Garden xcept AK too far in corner-

Little Strawberry Cough in lower left corner-

Enjoi :joint: :joint: :joint:


High Class Grass
What up AN..
Nice lookin girls u got there...are u feedin straight aquarium water? I will definately follow this..

Stay Safe


:joint: Yea, I get the water from a local fish store, I found a store that feed its fish only live food, mostly algae and other fish, to ensure optimum taste. Two weeks into flowering I started adding more P and K via bat gauno mix and it seems like they've been lovin it...


Active member
Even before I clicked the thread, this strain line-up (minus Schrom) had me thinking you went shopping at the SR-71/BlueSky in Oakland... any chance if the club you got the clones from might be related? Just curious...

Anyways, nice setup but looking like most of your strains are begging for more N and Mg.


Huh.. Any suggestions?

I got all the clones at the same club on la brea in LA, except shrom and the new strawberry. The pk and hindu are most likley the same strain as the sr-71 clones, the Ak is the cherry pheno
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Active member
Add more nitrogen (N) and magnesium (Mg).

What type of base nutes are you using? Mg can be added through using off-the-shelf Ca/Mg supplements, or using Epsom salts.


I use a mix of aquarium water and 0-5-4 liquid bat guano, i don't really wanna go non organic so i was thinkin maybe some liquid worm casings or possibly Earth juice microblast(is this even organic?)


Active member
So basically, more or less, no nitrogen? :chin: (I'm unaware of how aquarium water works.)

I'm curious with why you went with rockwool when going with organic, rather than the traditional soil? Are there microorganisms that are capable of living and reproducing in that rockwool medium? Not doubting or questioning anything, just asking because I'm clueless.


fish water has a high grade nitrogen and since I get the water from a store their tanks are full of nitrogen rich water, as for the bacteria needed for symbiosis it is abundant in my tank and rockwool


got another 400 watter hps today, hopefully have perpetual set up soon. 6 plants flowering 6 plants in veg for 6 weeks....


Active member
couple bumps down the nitrogen cylcle though....Nitrate rich, Nh3 and Nitrite are probably converted or fish would be dead, no? Nitrate should be readily available for root feed if I am not mistaken, others would have to be converted.

I used to use DWC w/ Lava substrate. Better for bacter cultures and doesn;t lower Redox like rockwool. I used hydroton for convenience but always thought I had better results w/ lava.


bbing said:
couple bumps down the nitrogen cylcle though....Nitrate rich, Nh3 and Nitrite are probably converted or fish would be dead, no? Nitrate should be readily available for root feed if I am not mistaken, others would have to be converted.

I used to use DWC w/ Lava substrate. Better for bacter cultures and doesn;t lower Redox like rockwool. I used hydroton for convenience but always thought I had better results w/ lava.

Your spot on with the lava rocks, this grow probally woulda been alot better if i use those instead of the stupid rockwool(the rock wool caused me many problems). Also the biopionic idea is a very neat project to expieremnt with but i think im gonna stick with Gh nutes next grow(it was just too damn hard to correct nutrient difecencys using fish water). It was my first grow tho and i did end up harvesting about 2 1/2 oz's of some superb quality bud, just wish my digi cam hadn't of crapped out so i could show u guys some pics :badday:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
AndreNicky said:
fish water has a high grade nitrogen and since I get the water from a store their tanks are full of nitrogen rich water, as for the bacteria needed for symbiosis it is abundant in my tank and rockwool
very nice except the fish tank water seems lacking your plants are yellowing from top and mid down. this is happening way to early in flower ya shouldnt be seing any real color change untill around 40days flower. outside of that lookn nice


Active member
So far I have had good results from using earth juice grow. I have not switched to 12 / 12 yet, but whenever I water with it, the plants just explode.

Smells like hell but it is OMRI certified, so it is definantly organic.