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Grant Krieger cooking...


Active member
id like to know some specifics... what did u use to extract.. i dont see anybottles lieing around.. and u deff didnt use butane... is this for a medclub? why would u ever need that much oil.. lol im sure i could make that much if it was a nessesity.. nice man...mann i know how much time that took.. this lil batch took me all day.

and i thought this was alot

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Well-known member
wow that is a lot of oil, which means that was a tremendous amount of solvent to make that oil. I wonder if mr krieger knows the tremendous dangers of solvent exposure especialy to someone with a compromised immune system.
someone should pass the msg if they are in touch with him, tell him to check out cure for all diseases the book, it shows direct links to solvent exposure and fatal disease. just my two cents.

bubble man

ps i knew grant back in wpg over ten years ago when him and his wife started prairie hemp company. still have one of their old jackets.


Active member
yea deff bubbleman.... i couldnt imagine doin that inside the house... i do all mine outside.. and if ur within a couple feet of it u get OOoooZy


far too dark to been worth ingesting.

and let it be said... again... you're worse than a hard drugs trailer park cook when you start using massive amounts of solvents inside your home, especially your apartment... remember how many more "incidental fire" sources there are inside... and where's the fire extinguisher at least? oh, it's inside the camera! ... because showing his face isn't enough... his name, too... what's the addresss again? better yet, the direct Google Map link mebbe? t'anks

Nice pictures, though, i hope your friends learn what masks look like and start using lab ware instead of fucking cheap ass cookers... that's so funny... and honestly, a short, room temp soak will do you much better than that over soaked, refluxed shit... roflmao

oh, IC, so funny


and if you look in picture 2, in the reflection, homey has a tear in his pajamas


I'm not trying to be an a$$. But.....a step-by-step of how to make nasty oil, damage your brain, and possibly blow yourself up?


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I would love to see a step by step of what Grant is doing here. Looks like some crude oil to me.