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Granny needs a bit of tech help!

Storm Crow

Active member
Ok, many of you have used my "Birthday and New Years posts as a reference. Frankly, it's a pain to post things like that- I have a clunky, touchy, old computer and even "cut and paste" can be frustrating! Each site seems to have different lengths of posts permitted, etc. But I also hate the way my list is in 2 chunks and incomplete, as compared to what is on my computer.

Can any of you tech savvy folks figure out how to take my "Word" document (roughly 65 pages of links to medical studies and articles) and put it on the web in a way that it is unlikely to be tampered with? (I don't want some idiot prohib with a porn problem messing things up!) A web page? A blog? What can we do? All I want is a logo, a bit of intro and the list like it is on my computer that folks can get to by typing a URL of some sort. And even if the links have to be activated one by one, I'll do it.

Remember, I'm a techno-idiot- but I have a reluctant, but capable son who works in computers (drinks maybe a six pack a year, non-smoker, who loves but disapproves of his pot-toking, old-hippie, Mama). If I can say "I am doing this and I just need a little help with this part." He'll help me. I'd like to get this up for my birthday.

OK kids,- wadda ya got? And thank you for your help!

- Granny :joint: (after listening to "Humble Yourself" by "Circle of Women"- great album!)
i don't know if i can help you granny, but i'll try. You said you don't know how to cut and paste? So maybe ill help and try to explain for you how to do so. I'm not a computer wiz by any means, but i know a little. Okay...

You have a computer mouse right? well on you computer mouse its sectioned off, theres a left side (the left click) a scroll wheel in the middle if you have one. And a right side(the right click).

The document the you want to copy, go to the beginning, the first word of the first sentence. Move your cursor (the little pointy arrow on the screen you click stuff with) Right before The first word of your document. Say your first sentence was: "The lone ranger walked outside and shat a log". You'd move the the cursor to where the first quotation mark appears before the word THE . Once the cursor is there, press and hold the left click (the left side of the mouse), remember don't release it. While holding the left click down, move your mouse to the far right until the entire first line is highlighted by a blue or alternate color (still don't release the left click). Once the first line is entirely highlighted, move your cursor down and keep on moving it down until the entire document you want to post is highlighted. Once the entire document is highlighted, you can release the left click.

Now move the cursor and right click (don't hold) any part of the document that is highlighted. You'll see the option "copy", select that and your document is copied. Now all you'll have to do is find a blank page wherever you want to paste your document. Right click the blank page and select the "paste" option. Thats it, your document should appear. Hope I have been of assistance.


Active member
ok wachu smokin' there - lol

granny - in newer versions of word you can Save As (pull down the bottom list where it says save as type) and save as Web page, or html..

have someone else register a unique .com address from godaddy.com or something (might want to hide your registration information -- more $$, or find a registrant that masks whois information). might have to pay for hosting too. copy the html to the server, and its up and running.

if you want fancy intros and stuff, look into obtaining copies of dreamweaver, or frontpage. both make designing web pages easy, have basic wizards to start you off, and can import your word file into html, and upload to a hosting site for you. pick up a book at B&N ..html for dummies, few hours of reading, i'm sure you can learn enough to put a basic website up.

just to see how it looks, make a new directory, save your word file as a webpage in that directory. then go to "file, open" in your web browser, and open that webpage on your computer.

hope this helps.


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Check out Google's blogs. A blog can be as simple or as complex (up to a point) as you want. And you don't need any special software or programming skills. It's all done online in your browser. You can compose right on line or, as I do, do your writing and editing in something like Word (as you've already done) and copy and paste it into the blog. And it's free. It's what I use for my blog (see my sig).

BTW, a blog is just like an online journal. It's designed to be updated and added to on a regular basis. New bits get added to the top, and older ones move down. The only trick is finding someone interested in reading it. :frown:


You can save the word doc as an image.. or a pdf.
I will be happy to convert it for ya if you like..


Hi Granny Storm Crow,
Am so glad you got the tech help you asked for on this! You have some of the best, most informative posts I have read and personally I appreciate every one of them.
Thanks so much!!!

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