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Grandmother Gave 3-Year-Old Grandson Pot Cookies



Another death foolishily attributed to "Cannabis+Products" however indirectly. What a waste..

DENVER— A Denver grandmother who recently took her own life was under investigation for giving her 3-year-old grandson a marijuana cookie.
Family members say 44-year-old Erin Marcove gave the toddler at least one peanut butter cookie made with cannabis butter on Dec. 4. The next day, she had trouble rousing the boy and called an ambulance.
A week later, relatives told KMGH-TV the grandmother took her own life. Marcove was an advocate for medical marijuana and had used the drug for chronic back pain most of her life.

Police seized a jar of cannabis butter at her home, and a police report showed the little boy had the drug in his system when he was taken to the hospital. The toddler has fully recovered.



In search of Genetics
Its not the 50's, they have ways to demonize what ever they like and play the good guys for there sheeps.

P.S. Horrible she had to die, but giving a toddler pot shows she had mental issues to begin with, glad the child is okay.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
at least she didn't blow it in his face like most of the other dumbass parents you hear about in similar stories...



a friend was home from college and made a batch of primo pumpkin bars. no one being home he let them cool on the refrigerator. a couple hours go buy until my friend returns home seeing the ambulance take off. turns out his ol'man ate about 1/5 of the sheet of bars before he got woozy and said the room was spinning. he then had to go to the hospital and tell his ol'man to quit tripping and check himself out. it's a big family joke now, but he was fucked for the whole day. my dog got into an emptly butter bowl i had in the sink, barely shit in it. he couldn't stand up or walk, scared the shit out of me. my dad came home and saw the dog and goes,what? he get into the butter again? i almost fucking lost it. keep your shit put up, don't give it to kids or pets. unless your vet tells you to.


Anne enn Normal
i'd be more concerned with parents who give ritalin to 4 y.o. kids
still she shouldn't have done that...


When I was growing up, we always where allowed "sips" of dads beer.......

She was wrong to give the kid the cookie.

Too bad she took her life.


New member
I really don't like how the media played this out. "Rushed" to hospital and "treated in intensive care". I didn't graduate from medical school, but I doubt a MJ cookie could do that much damage.


I really don't like how the media played this out. "Rushed" to hospital and "treated in intensive care". I didn't graduate from medical school, but I doubt a MJ cookie could do that much damage.

3 year old kid... probably weighs 40-50lbs.
i am 280lb man, and 1 edible can fuck me up way more than smoking for a way longer period of time... of course potency of the butter is the ley... but again this is a 3yr old kid who was given a pot cookie (probably to help him sleep).

i am sorry the stupid lady killed herself.
that poor kid is gonna have to grow up knowing his gramma killed herself because of how he reacted to a pot cookie...
is that why she killed herself? really? sounds like some grade A bullshit.
if she was a MJ advocate then she knew that theres no way in hell that cookie was going to fuck up the kid.....

a police report showed the little boy had the drug in his system when he was taken to the hospital. The toddler has fully recovered.

no shit the toddler recovered....what did you think was going to happen?

quick put that child on oxygen and get an IV in em!!! stat!
were losing him doctor!!!


another child lost to cannabis poisoning...3rd one this week doc.

some people just dont get it.


Freedom Fighter
I think you all would be surprised at how many people medicate with cough syrup for children.

My daughter was born with Colic, and the Dr gave us this big ass bottle of codeine cough syrup...he said when she is really bad, give her a small amount...he said he gave us so much, because we would prolly need it too!! lol
As most of us will recognize that media version of this story may not resemble the true events very closely, I can only say that these sorts of stories sure don't help the general publics perception of our favorite herb (medicine for some). A friend gave me a few cookies recently and I was very careful to put them away from my childrens reach.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
My daughter was born with Colic, and the Dr gave us this big ass bottle of codeine cough syrup...he said when she is really bad, give her a small amount...he said he gave us so much, because we would prolly need it too!! lol

it's like we had the same pediatrician!



I know a bit about this story as she was a friend of my kids' mom. Not a close one, but they knew each other, and this lady was close to some of my ex's good friends.

She was a little unstable, kind of out there. The baby wouldn't stop crying because of teething(or something else, but I was told teething) and so she gave the cookie. I assume thinking it would stop the pain like it did for her. The kid didn't wake up the next day and she called the 911 first, rather than calling someone else who could have told her the child would be fine he just needed to sleep it off.

I don't think the woman ever considered what she did wrong, it was no different in her head than tylenol or cough syrup.

When she got charged she killed herself. I will not share the details of that.

decent person, tried to do what she thought was right, turned into a tragedy.

good wishes to all.

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